Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

JackPACFor always demonstrating the School Values of Respect and Responsibility. Keep up the fantastic effort Jack! 
WesleyPAKFor the way you approach all your learning with enthusiasm. Keep it up!   
MilesPBDFor having a wonderful start to Term 3 and returning to school with an enthusiastic attitude. Keep it up Miles!
AlexPLBFor being responsible by consciously trying to demonstrate whole-body listening during class time. Keep it up Alex!
Misbah1JMFor showing the School Values of Belonging and Respect especially in our reading groups by sharing thoughtful responses. Keep it up!
Dexter1JSFor always showing enthusiasm and resilience toward his learning. Thank you for all of your hard work! 
Beatrix1LEFor the effort you put into your learning and for being a kind positive class member.
Hunter1LLFor always doing your personal best and showing kindness to your classmates.
Sterling1MMFor showing a growth mindset and always trying your best in your learning. Well done Sterling!
Polly2BLFor always showing respect to her classmates, friends and teachers. Polly you are a gem!
Miski2CWFor showing respect to others and always using her manners in the classroom. Keep it up Miski!
Manha2DKFor making a great start to life at FWPS. We are so happy you have joined 2DK!
Hamish2MMFor always giving his personal best and having such a great attitude towards learning. Thank you, Hamish!
Remy2TFFor consistently showing kindness and care to his classmates. Fantastic effort, Remy!
Remy3KTFor building his resilience when learning and playing with different peers. Well done!
Wynter3MPFor showing respect towards others. You're a superstar!
Gian3TMFor settling back into 3TM seamlessly after an extended absence. We missed you Gian and are so glad you are back!
Nathaniel3TNFor showing great focus during the literacy session and for being a wonderful classroom helper. Well done Nathaniel!
Ava4AFFor her amazing effort towards all class activities this week. Ava, you've had a fantastic start to term three!
Cathy4CMFor a fantastic start to the term, sharing your valuable ideas and opinions with the class. Well done, Cathy!
Matilda4MKFor showing a growth mindset and applying your personal best to all class activities. Keep it up.
Kobe5HTFor starting Term 3 with a great mindset! Keep it up
Krystal5LWFor her willingness to contribute to class discussions and share her understandings.
Rory5RCFor his amazing start to Term 3. Well done on focusing on your goals within the classroom. Great job Rory!
Henry5TCFor starting term 3 off with a positive attitude and contributing to our class discussions. Well done, Henry!
Fin6KRFor having great focus and contributions to class discussions! Thank you, Fin!
Eva6MAFor her supportive nature during group work tasks. Your collaboration during Term Topic sessions has been especially helpful in ensuring all group members are involved. Awesome job, Eva!
Aaron6MIFor always showing up with a positive, "can do" attitude. You always put 100% into your work, while offering others a helping hand. Wonderful work!
Jasper6MPFor consistently applying effort to all tasks. Well done, Jasper!
Oliver - 3MPTheirCareFor being an extremely good helper and always looking after the younger children, especially on excursions. Well done, Oliver!