TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends!
Welcome to Week 1 of Term.
Can you believe we are all already halfway through the year and it’s Term 3 already. CRAZY! Of course, before we started Term 3, we had two whole weeks of school holiday fun. During our first week of school holidays we were able to enjoy a science experiment where we made elephant toothpaste. It was quite cool and very messy, which the kids loved. During the first week we were introduced to new sport games like hungry hungry hippo, which saw teams compete against each other to secure as many balls as possible. At the end of the first week we had two amazing excursions. On the Thursday we attended SUPERPARK for the first time and took over 80 children. SUPERPARK was amazing and catered for all age groups and the children did not want to leave. On Friday we went roller-skating. For most of us it was the first time trying roller-skating and the children had a lot of fun trying to learn to skate and watching Angie, Ashleigh and Charlotte fall over trying to help other children.
To start off the second week of the school holidays we went and saw Inside Out 2 at the movies. Over 70 children attended the movies and loved sitting in the comfy cinemas seats with their popcorn and laughing with their friends. During the week we were lucky to have a Lego incursion, where the children got to play and create amazing and cool Lego designs and showcase them to their friends. To finish off our amazing two weeks together we attended the Melbourne Museum, where over 70 children and 10 staff attended. As part of our trip we got to experience a Dino Marvel 3D documentary in the massive IMAX theatre. For some it was a little scary but most of the children loved it. After the movie we were split into small groups where we were able to tour the museum. Children got to see dinosaur, insect and butterfly exhibits. For some groups they got to see everything including Pharlap and even the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre. Although the holidays were crazy and full of excitement it was nice to see new and old faces return back to TheirCare during our two weeks together.
This week’s Pupil of the Week is Oliver Clark for being an extremely good helper and always looking after the younger children, especially on excursions. Well done, Oli! You should be so proud of yourself 😊
For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat, please come and visit us in Emu Corner. Alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will be happy to help you. 😊
TheirCare Team
Angie, Ashleigh, Lezley, Suzanna, Laelle, Charlotte & Zayneb
Contact Details:
Service Phone: 0487 004 072
Service Email:
Head Office: 1300 072 410