Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this week’s newsletter:

  • Appreciations and Acknowledgements
    • End of term assembly acknowledgments and grade presentation
    • NAPLAN assessment update
    • NAIDOC Week acknowledgement
    • Prep Enrolments 2025 deadline
    • School Crossing supervision
    • Sports divisional representatives Wed.
    • Head lice notice
  • Coming Up
    • Assembly tomorrow
    • Ready, Set, Go! School Readiness information session next Tuesday at school
    • Grade 2 Connecting to Country excursion next Friday
    • Grade 3 and 4 swimming program starts Week 3
    • Berry Street parent and carer information session (online) 7 pm Wednesday, 31st July
  • Repeated (and Updated) Messages

Appreciations and Acknowledgements

End of Term assembly acknowledgements and grade assembly:

  • Our grade 5 and 6 Vic High Achievers Program participants received their certificates of participation. 
  • 2TF pictured in the midst of presenting their assembly item to our FWPS assembly audience.
  • Uniform reminder - Late last term we reminded students and families that non uniform jumpers and jackets are not acceptable.  The only non uniform items should be coats and rain jackets.  Please assist us improve our uniform standards. 
  • NAPLAN update - Today NAPLAN results will be distributed to all grade 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN assessment in Term.  They each will receive their results in an envelope addressed to their parent or carer.
  • NAIDOC Week - Over the last week of the holidays the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee Week of celebration and acknowledgement was held nationally.  This was observed at FWPS with the Marrung team preparing the colouring competition.  We will acknowledge NAIDOC week at assembly tomorrow. 
  • Prep Enrolments 2025 deadline - Friday week (26th July) is the deadline for all 2025 Prep enrolment or application forms to be received at the office.  This is to enable us to make offers within the following fortnight.  If this message is relevant to your family, please act now and if you have any questions, please contact the office team.
  • School Crossing supervision - Unfortunately the Argyle Street school crossing was not supervised Wednesday morning due to the illness of Mick, our delightful morning crossing supervisor.  We appreciate the parents who contacted us, enabling us to contact the Council representative immediately.  They assure us there will be coverage while he is absent. It is a reminder that even with the best intentions, plans can go awry and maybe it is worth a dinner time chat about how our children manage unexpected situations.
  • Maribyrnong Division Winter Sport Round Robin … events were held on Wednesday with 42 students representing our T Ball and AFL football teams.  The students’ excitement was a buffer against the wintry conditions, however there was a rush inside to sit by the gas heaters in the Dingo building, as soon as the teams returned.  Sports reports will be presented at tomorrow’s assembly, however I can say that the AFL team has progressed to the next round, unfortunately the competition within the T Ball competition proved too strong.  A big thank you to Marco and Marshal for attending, along with parents, Dianne MacDonald and Michael Kordick who travelled by coach to ensure our adult / student ratios were covered, as well as the always enthusiastic parents who attended to cheer on the teams.
  • Head lice - Nurse Zowi has messaged parents / carers of grade Prep, grade 2 and 4 students to encourage them to check their children’s hair, as we have had multiple cases of head lice found amongst these cohorts since our return this term. Please refer to article in News from the School Nurse.


Wear It Purple Day

Wear It Purple Day is coming up on the 30th August, with this year's theme being 'Your Passion, Your Pride'. Our Captains Crew, along with Towela and representatives of our Rainbow Families Group, will be working together to plan for the day. More information will be shared with families in the coming weeks.

Coming Up… 

Assembly tomorrow - We can anticipate an indoors assembly tomorrow in the gallery space of Dingo.  It will be 2DK’s turn for their assembly item and of course the Pupil of the Week awards for the first week of term.  For all parents and carers who have a child presenting, or receiving an award, please enter through the main gate at 2:30pm in order to be seated by 2:40pm sharp. 


Ready, Set, Go! School Readiness information session next Tuesday at school - This is open to new Prep parents.  Reminders have been sent to all who have enrolled, or completed out of zone application forms.  The event is free to parents whose children will be joining us next year and for a nominal fee to parents of prep students attending elsewhere.  

Grade 2 Connecting to Country excursion next Friday - We know that excursions are very carefully considered, as costs of offsite events have increased considerably in recent years. Therefore, the grade 2 team is very much looking forward to their Connecting to Country excursion at the Royal Botanical Gardens on Friday of next week. While 2 of the grades will start with a self led tour of the Gardens, the other 2 grades will participate in the Connecting to Country session with the education staff at the Botanical Gardens.  After a lunch picnic together (a packed lunch is required) the grades will swap over.  We are keeping our fingers crossed for moderate weather.


Grade 3 and 4 swimming program starts Week 3 - The grades 3 and 4 fortnight of swimming is due to start at the beginning of week 3.  The cut off for entry via the Compass app is tomorrow, Friday, 19 July 2024.


Berry Street Education Model parent and carer information session (online) 7:00pm Wednesday, 31st July - The introduction of the BSEM is a very important one for our school as we transition from the transformational TRIBES approach to our new model.  We strongly encourage all parents and carers to attend this online session at the end of the month, supported by our Parents Association.  The flyer is again included in today’s newsletter under Wellbeing & Learning News.





Repeated (and Updated) Messages…