Junior School

Time truly flies when you’re having fun, and it only seems like just yesterday that we were welcoming our students back to the start of the year. Can you believe we are already halfway through the term? As we find ourselves at the midpoint, Psalm 90:12 reminds us to
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Indeed, the realisation of being halfway through the term is a poignant reminder of the preciousness of time. It is astonishing how quickly the days have passed, filled with laughter, learning, and countless memorable moments. In these moments, we strive not only to enrich the minds of our students with wisdom and godly virtue, but we also encourage them to make the most of every opportunity to learn about God and His incredible world.
As we reflect on the past weeks, we are filled with gratitude for the hard work and dedication of our students and teachers. In the classrooms, our students have actively engaged in a variety of exciting projects and activities. From Science experiments with Mrs Bonte and Mrs Kirby-Beach, to creating musical compositions in Performing Arts and the creation of our whole Junior School collaborative artwork with Mrs Kelly in the Art Room, which focuses on our theme this year, Life Together.
As a Junior School, we recognise that education extends beyond textbooks and test scores. We are dedicated to cultivating not only academic excellence but also building strong character in our students. In doing so, we aim to nurture the whole child, emphasising values that honour God while respecting others and themselves. We believe that instilling qualities such as respect, obedience, acceptance, and kindness not only contribute to personal growth but also fosters a positive and supportive community. We want our students to grow up to be young men and women of integrity. By fostering these character traits, we pray our students will be able to navigate the challenges of life with grace, resilience, and a deep sense of responsibility to both their Creator and the world around them.
ROAR Awards
At our Week 4 Chapel service, we had the privilege of celebrating some ROARsome students who have shown either Respect, Obedience, Acceptance or Resilience. These students enjoyed a delicious afternoon with Mrs Liddle and Mrs Kirby-Beach. The ROARsome students are:
ROAR Nominations Term 1 Week 4 | ||
Prep A | Maddy Donchi | Resilience |
Prep N | Chayse Huang | Respect |
Prep W | Pax Haldane | Respect |
1CB | Joanna Wang | Respect |
1JB | Stella Tan | Resilience |
2B | Connor Shao | Respect |
2D | Caleb Monro | Respect |
3D | Sonny Press | Respect |
3M | Ava Fagerland | Resilience |
4R | Jacob Lown | Obedience |
4T | Ella Sanders | Acceptance |
4W | Courtney Chen | Respect |
5D | Eva Chandra | Respect |
5M | Ellen Frazer | Acceptance |
6B | Cohen Holland | Obedience |
6G | Tahlia McInnes | Respect |
Junior School Leaders Attend Conference
On Tuesday 27 February 2024, our 14 Junior School Leaders had the incredible privilege and opportunity to attend the annual Primary School Christian Leadership Conference. Students, accompanied by Mrs Bradshaw and Mrs Kirby-Beach, headed down the freeway to Waverley Christian College, Narre Warren to spend a day learning about how to serve more effectively as leaders.
We look forward to seeing these young leaders put into practice all the amazing things they learnt on the day as they serve our Junior School community in 2024.
Click here to read an article written by Junior School Vice Captains, Izzy Krause and Lachlan Edwards.
Parent Volunteers
Partnership with parents is something we deeply value. We are always looking for help in classrooms across our Junior School. If you would like to volunteer in your child’s class this year but missed the Volunteer Briefing Session in Term 1 we will be running additional sessions in Term 2. The next sessions will be held on Wednesday 17 April at 3.00pm and Monday 22 April at 9.00am in the Upper Primary Building Theatre. The sessions will focus on the responsibilities of volunteers and provide some helpful tips to assist students and their learning.
All volunteers at Oxley must have a current Working with Children Check. It is important to note a Working with Children Check expires every five years and must be renewed. Any parent who has renewed their card must provide a copy of their new card to the College so we can update the records.
If you would like to attend a briefing session, please keep an eye out over the next few weeks for further information on the College App and complete the reply slip supplied.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Staff valued the time to meet with families at our Semester 1 Parent Teacher Interviews. Thank you to the parents who attended. A successful parent-teacher partnership shows a child that an entire team of adults is on their side.
To foster trust and open communication with your child’s teacher, please use the Student Diary, send an email or make an appointment via the College office. We welcome opportunities to collaborate to ensure your child’s learning experience at Oxley is both positive and productive.
Dates to Remember
There are still many events to occur before we finish Term 1.
- Students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in NAPLAN in Weeks 7 and 8.
- Years 1 and 2 students will welcome all their special visitors to Grandparent's Afternoon on 14 March from 1.50pm – 3.30pm.
- Parents are reminded that we will hold our Literacy Discovery Evening on Thursday 21 March at 7.00pm.
- Years 5 and 6 students will host their Learning Expo on Monday 25 March.
- The Year 2 Strings Open Lesson will be held on Tuesday 26 March while on the same day our Years 3-6 Athletics Day will be held on the Oval.
At the end of all these events students, staff and parents will look forward to a well-deserved Easter Break with Term 1 concluding on Thursday 28 March.
Parents are welcome to attend all these events and further information will be sent out soon. We look forward to creating more memories and sharing these special moments with you.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 11
Amy Liddle
Head of Junior School