Principal's Report

Term 4, Week 9

Dear Parents and Carers,


Can you believe there's just two weeks left in the school year?! It has certainly been another busy, but very successful school year for us at St FX! From all accounts, this was punctuated by a wonderful celebration of the Colour Run on Friday on the back oval. A huge thanks to the P&F Committee, specifically Vanessa Parish, who took on a great deal of the organisation of the event to ensure it ran smoothly and successfully.


Semester Two Reports

Semester Two reports will be made available via Compass at 4.00pm next Monday 11 December. The reports can be found on your child's profile page, under the "Reports" tab. You can also access previous semester reports from the same place. Please contact the front office if you are not sure of your login details. 



Year 5 Leadership Speeches

This Thursday is an important day for our 2024 student leaders. Students who have nominated for leadership positions will present their speech to the student body from 9.30am in the church. Our Year 5 girls will present their speeches first, in alphabetical order, followed by the boys. Parents and friends are most welcome to attend to listen to the speeches. The student body will vote for the 2024 student leaders at the conclusion of the speeches. 


2024 Classes and Class Lists

It is expected that you will receive correspondence from me tomorrow in regards to the 2024 classroom teachers. We have some final details to add to the class setup, but I am confident you will be notified of these tomorrow. 

Should you wish to make a request for your child's class placement, please email me by this Friday at with the subject title CONFIDENTIAL ATTENTION: NICK BAIRD. While we cannot guarantee any requests, all attempts will be made to accommodate them.  Final class lists will be sent home to parents next Tuesday 12 December following our transition morning. 


Presentation Day

Our annual Presentation Day will be held next Wednesday 13 December at 10.00am at the Crossing Theatre. Letters were sent home last week to parents of students receiving awards, however all families are most welcome to attend the event. 


New Principal announcement

There will be correspondence this week in regards to the announcement of the new Principal for St Francis Xavier's School. 


Thank you!

It is with a great deal of sadness that I write my last Principal's message. I have loved being a part of this school community over the past two years and I am truly thankful for the support I have received from the families in my time here. This is truly a special school and it will forever hold a special place in my heart.



All the very best for Christmas, New Year and 2024!
