Sport - Transport

Macleod College has an excellent record of sporting success. The college encourages its students to participate in sporting events at all levels and conducts its own swimming and athletics carnivals. It encourages participation in round robin competitions organised by the Victorian State Schools Sports Association.
In addition, the college encourages students to participate in community-based weekend sporting competitions.
Discipline at the college is predicated on the assumption that it is better to reward appropriate behaviour with a view that inappropriate behaviour will be avoided.
It is also a principle that individual student behaviour should not be allowed to stop other students from learning, teachers from teaching or to compromise the safety and health of the community.
Poor behaviour will attract consequences graded so that they are appropriate to the age of the student, the student history and the nature of the offence.
It is imperative that all information regarding contact addresses and telephone numbers for students, parents and emergency contacts is up to date as this information is essential in case of illness or emergency.
All changes should be given to reception staff as soon as possible.
College Captains are elected from Year 12 (Senior), Year 5/6 (Junior) & the International Student Program. International Student Captains work with the leadership group and the International Student Coordinator in supporting activities that engage and support both the International and whole school student body.
The Macleod College Music Academy has Music Captains who play an integral role in the planning, organisation and running of various music events and are each responsible for leading a different ensemble group.
House Captains
Each House has one Captain from Year 10/11 and a House Leader from Years 5/6. They plan and implement house based sporting and non-sporting activities throughout the year.
Student Representative Council
Students from Years 7 - 11 can apply to become members of the Student Representative Council. Students are supervised by Year 12 leadership and plan school and charity fundraising events.
Students are required to obtain all books and stationery prior to the commencement of the school year so that curriculum programs can begin smoothly and effectively.
Books are purchased online from North of the Yarra, Strathallan Road, Macleod. If you do not arrange home delivery, orders can be picked up at Macleod College on a designated date (which appears on the order form) in January.
Year 7 – 12 Stationery Lists
Please note that the separate stationery lists for Years 7 – 12 are a guide only and students may be required to purchase additional items.
Macleod College hold a second hand bookstall, run by volunteers, at the beginning of December. Books in good condition are bought back from students and resold. Students receive the relevant paper work for selling books and buying second hand in November.
Marked Books - Students are advised to look after all purchased text books as the resale value is partly determined by condition.
Macleod College is adjacent to the Macleod Railway Station, which is on the Eltham/Hurstbridge line. Buses from Reservoir station terminate at Macleod Station. Further information about public transport to Macleod College can be found at
All Macleod College students travelling on public transport are expected to behave in a manner that reflects well on the college. Students are expected to queue in an orderly manner and let passengers alight from the train or bus before boarding themselves.