Reports - Sickness & First Aid

Continuous Assessment - Macleod College has a "continuous assessment" that aims to provide students and parents with timely information regarding student skill acquisition, learning and growth. Staff set and assess learning tasks via the Compass portal. They regularly and more closely monitor and report on student performance and provide immediate additional learning opportunities for students to master challenges as they arise.
Continuous assessment also helps students identify how they learn, how they can approach problems differently, what their blind spots are and how they can eliminate them. To be fully aware of their child's learning progress parents are asked to regularly check their child's Compass portal in the “Learning tasks” window
End of Semester Summary Report - The report provides a summary of achievement for each of the assessment tasks along with teacher judgement of work habits - effort, organisation, classroom behaviour, work submitted and seeks assistance. Parents are encouraged to look at the individual learning tasks on COMPASS for a full analysis of achievement and progress against the Victorian Curriculum Standards.
While Macleod College school backpacks are available and recommended, they are not a compulsory part of the uniform. We do ask that all bags are named, so that they can be returned to the owner if misplaced.
School bags are not to be taken into the yard during the school day and students who need a change of clothing for practical classes must carry this in a smaller bag. Bags are not permitted in classrooms.
Students who are ill or injured are to report to the First Aid assistants at Reception.
Please note that the college will call an ambulance if this is deemed necessary, so appropriate ambulance insurance is recommended.
A qualified first aid assistant staffs the First Aid Centre and it is equipped to handle minor accidents only. In case of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact a parent.
Students who arrive ill or become ill during the day cannot be looked after at the college. The college will ring parents to arrange for the student to go home. For these reasons, parents must make sure that records of contact telephone numbers are up to date.
If a child has a medical condition, the college needs to be informed. In particular, the college needs to know if a student has haemophilia, asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes or severe allergic reactions to particular foods, bee stings etc.
Anaphylaxis - Students must lodge with the First Aid Officer (Reception) a current Anaphylaxis Plan (issued by a doctor) and an in-date epi-pen.
Asthma - Students must lodge with the First Aid Officer (Reception) a current Asthma Plan (issued by a doctor). Parents of asthmatic children should ensure that the college’s records contain details of medication and peak flow readings. Students should carry puffers at all times for emergency use. The college has a pump and parents should supply the college with appropriate medication if this is likely to be required.
Diabetes or Epilepsy - Please ensure that the college records maintain up-to-date management strategies and records of medication taken in case an ambulance is required.
Infections - If your child contracts an infectious disease, head lice, ringworm, scabies or impetigo (school sores), please advise the college. The First Aid assistants can also advise you when your child can return to school.
Dental Service -
Contact Banyule Community Health at 21 Alamein Road, West Heidelberg. Phone 9450 2000.
General dental services are free for children until they turn 13 years old, and for any child 17 years and under who are Government concession card holders, or dependents of concession card holders.
For children eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, all dental services up to the value of $1000 in a two year period will be bulk billed.
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule provides eligible children between the ages of 2-17, access to up to $1,000 in benefits per child for dental services over two consecutive calendar years.
Dental services include:
- Check ups
- Cleaning
- X-rays
- Fillings and fissure sealants
- Tooth removals
- Dentures
- Dietary advice and oral health information
- Root canal treatment
- Referrals to other specialist services as needed