Newsletters - Pupil Free Days

College Newsletters are each issued monthly. They keep parents/carers informed of excursions, meeting dates and other general information about the school and hopefully to increase parent involvement.
The access link is sent to all families and is available on the website. Please read each issue as it is a major form of communication used by the school to keep the school community informed and up to date regarding events at Macleod College.
In 2024 we are offering before school care from 7am - 8.45am and after school care from 3.10pm – 6.30pm daily.
Registration and bookings are completed online at
Childcare assistance is available by completing the appropriate claim forms. These can be obtained from the coordinator or from Centrelink.
When children from the Prep to Grade 06 sector are not collected after school they will be taken by the last yard duty teacher to Out of School Hours Care (if registered) and an appropriate fee will be charged.
An essential part of the school year is the Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. These are held twice a year and are designed for the mutual benefit of both parents/carers and teachers with the desire to help students in the most effective way.
On these days formal classes are not held and students are expected to attend these conferences with their parents/carers. The dates of conference meetings are sent to parents/carers by a newsfeed and published in the college newsletters. Appointment times are uploaded onto Compass one week before the conferences take place.
Parents/Carers are encouraged to contact the school at any time to make an appointment to discuss their student’s progress. Parents/Carers may also contact teachers via email, parents/carers are issued with an information book at the beginning of the year containing email addresses of all teaching staff.
College fees and any other expenses incurred at school may be paid via the following methods:
Cash Visa Mastercard EFTPOS Compass Pay
Unless otherwise instructed all payments by students should be made at Reception before school or at recess. Parents/Carers are welcome to make payments anytime between 8.30am – 4pm. Receipts are issued for all payments made through Reception.
Students must not leave valuables in the PE change rooms. They are able to visit their lockers before and after PE classes and must lock any valuables away themselves.
BW/Colour photocopiers are available for all students to access and are located in the Library, G Block & S Block. Students use the ‘Papercut’ system for the use of printers and photocopiers and are charged accordingly. Students can check their Papercut balance via Compass or when logged onto a school computer.
All students are given an initial balance of $5 on their Papercut account, by the college, at the start of the year. When required, they top up their account by paying at Reception.
Costs per page:
Black & White A4 - 10c Colour A4 - 50c
A3 - 50c A3 - 80c
Students studying VCE/VCE-VM/VET are required to complete about a third of the course outside the classroom; this means that they will have to undertake individual or group private study at home or at school.
When students use the library for private study purposes they are required to come prepared to work and not interfere with the right of any other student to a quiet learning environment. There is also a Year 12 Study Centre for VCE study.
Pupil free days will be advised by Compass newsfeeds and publicised in the college newsletter well before the date. Parents/Carers should refer to these regularly to stay informed. Dates are also published on the website.