Camps - Curriculum

Overnight camps are integral to the college curriculum. Regular camps include Grade 03 - 06 Activity camps, Year 07 & 08 Camps, Year 09 City Experience, Year 12 Retreat, Year 10 Qld Camp, Music Camps, Music Performance Tours and depending on circumstances at the time, a German students’ cultural exchange trip to Germany. Participation is not automatic and is dependent on feedback from teachers regarding effort, participation, behaviour and overall standard of work.
Students who have been involved in discipline issues might not be permitted to attend. Student managers are developing ways of improving the camp programs to ensure that all students are given opportunities to participate in this extra-curricular activity.
The college canteen, run by a private firm is open between 8.00am and 2.30pm Monday – Friday and supplies an extensive menu of nutritious food as well as snack food. Up to date menus are available on the website and from Reception.
The Pathways Leader in the college co-ordinates the Careers Education program offered by the school. The Pathways Leader and the Careers Centre should be seen as resources that are available to all members of the school community - be they students, parents or teachers. Work Education should not be seen as something that is only relevant to people the day or the week before they leave school.
Rather it should be seen as a long-term developmental process (beginning in Grade 06) that embraces four main areas:
- self-awareness
- opportunity of career awareness
- decision making
- transition awareness
Parents and students are encouraged to use these resources at their convenience. The Careers Centre is situated in the IMPACT Centre and is open by appointment with our Careers/Pathways Leader, Donna Morante.
Entrance to the college car park is from Carwarp Street. Parents/Carers are NOTto drop off or pick up students in the car park, as for safety reasons students are not permitted in this area. This is an important safety issue. Parents/Carers are permitted to park in the College car park if attending meetings or appointments during school hours.
Each year a number of VCE students gain their drivers licence and drive to school. Once they have completed and submitted the correct paperwork, Year 12 students are permitted to park in the school car park.
The Macleod College guidelines for student car use are:
- Students wishing to drive to school must first complete the ‘Permission to Drive to School’ form which is available from Reception and are permitted to park in the college car park along the Carwarp Street side
- Students who drive to school must follow the same attendance rules as all other students. They must remain at school until the end of their last timetabled class on each day. Student drivers must not go driving during lunchtime or private study periods
- Students are not permitted to take other students as passengers. This includes to and from the college as well as during the school day
- They may bring siblings to and from school with written parent permission
Each year, both class and individual portraits are taken of all students, parents/carers order and purchase their photo pack online. The Photograph date in 2025 is Tuesday 4 March.
Parents/Carers can access a large variety of community agencies and services (here) that work directly with the college.
Compass is a student management system that allows you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about the college and your child’s progress.
Compass includes many different features including:
- Monitor your child's attendance and enter approval for absence or lateness
- Communicate with your child’s teachers and update your family contact details
- View your child’s timetable
- Download and view your child’s interim and semester reports
- Book Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
- Approve excursions
- Payments
All students and parents are provided with a secure account and parents have the ability to set and reset passwords via the Compass homepage. Compass is available via the website and via the Compass School Manager mobile app available for IOS and android devices.
Compass features:
Students - timetable, lesson plans, learning tasks, events, calendar, news feeds, ID cards for Kiosk
Parents - student timetables, lesson plans, learning tasks, events, calendar, news feeds, parent teacher interview booking, reports, attendance approvals and monitoring, teacher contact information and access to school curriculum and documentation, approve excursions and payments.
Compass is a web-based system that is accessible on any web browser or by using the Compass IOS or Android app. Every family receives a separate login to Compass that will be provided by the College at enrolment. The Compass web address is
For help with using Compass or to request a password reset please contact Reception on 9459 0222.
BYOD – Years 05 - 10
All students from Years 05 - 10 are required to bring their own device. Our program is designed to give students and families the freedom to make technology choices that suit them and all their circumstances. The school internet is filtered by the Department of Education, providing a safe environment for students.
At Macleod College we recognise the diverse backgrounds and technology interests of our students. To accommodate these interests our BYOD model allows students and parents to choose their own learning device. This supports families that may already have an appropriate device and can eliminate the need to purchase additional equipment. We are happy to provide advice to parents when choosing appropriate devices. More information is available on the College website.
To support the BYOD program at Macleod College we have:
- Secure WIFI network to suit multiple device types
- Updated curriculum and learning spaces to adapt to changes in technology
- Secure parent purchase portal via LWT
All students at Macleod College are provided with a centrally managed Google Apps account, providing all students with an email address and access applications such as documents, spreadsheets, presentations and storage drive. All curriculum materials are provided to students electronically via Google or Compass. Google Apps is the primary method for teachers and students to collaborate and submit work, accessible via the internet at home or school.
Throughout the college we provide teachers and students with a broad range of technologies to enhance student learning.
ICT equipped areas:-
- Library, equipped with computers, is available to classes and students at recess and lunchtime
- Specialist lab of computers dedicated to Digital Technologies, Media and Photography subjects
- Primary - Every student in Prep—Year 04 have has access to a netbook
- All classrooms, primary & secondary, have either interactive projectors or LCD TV's
- More information at
- Current existing fleet of over 100 desktop computers for specialist classes
- We maintain a highly reliable cabled and wireless network with fiber-optic backbone.
Student managers are usually the first point of contact for both students and parents/carers with regards to welfare related issues. They may then refer the issue to a member of the wellbeing team within the college.
Year level subjects are limited to availability and timetabling. The Macleod College curriculum is organised to a traditional structure based around a 10-day timetable with 5 x 1 hour periods per day. This provides 50 hours of study per 10-day cycle.
Years 07 - 10 provide balanced and substantial courses in each of the 8 learning areas of Arts & Technology, English, LOTE, Humanities, Mathematics, PE, Health and Science. Year level structures are designed to enable all students a breadth of academic and creative experience.
School crossings are supervised in both Carwarp Street and May Street before and after school each day. This gives direct access to the college. Parents/Carers can safely drop off students on the north side of Edward Street or the Macleod Shopping Precinct and they can then walk to the crossing.
Cultural and Artistic
- Instrumental music offered in woodwind, bass, percussion, strings, piano and voice
- Extensive range of performance groups
- College magazine: Dunvegan
- VCE Art and Technology Exhibition
- Enrichment and Achievement Program
- ‘Sister’ school in Germany
- Overseas Student Exchange Programs
- Display of Student Work
- Arts Display
- Cross Age Buddy System
Sporting, Leisure and Camps
- Extensive camps and excursion programs.
- Coaching and participation in a wide range of interschool sports
- School sports - swimming, athletics and cross country
- Primary gymnastics and swimming programs
Educational Enhancement
- Full library service during class time and after school
- Extensive collection of print, audio and video materials to support curriculum
- Recognition of student achievement via displays, newsletters, letters and local press
- Enhanced provision of VCE counselling and support in the areas of study skills, time organisation and exam techniques
- Wider reading program
- Homework Club program
- Primary music performance
- Activity/Theme days
- Interactive Satellite television programs
- Home reading program
- Extensive guest speaker program
- English as Another Language (EAL) program
- Learning area excursions
- VCE orientation program
- Study Skills Program
- Parent Information nights
Careers and Work Education
- Access to extensive collection of career and course information
- Students over 15 years of age may access work experience programs
- VCE programs counselling
- Course and career counseling
- Careerwise
- Exit student surveys
- Guest speakers and information night
- TAFE taster programs
Student Leadership and Decision Making
- Student Representative Council
- Student fundraising activities
- Primary and secondary College Captains
- Fundraising for community organisations
- Primary house leaders and secondary house captains
- Transition program for incoming Preps and exiting grade 6 students
- Visits from Year 7 and Transition coordinators to liaise with local primary schools
- Invitation to Year 6 students and parents to attend school information evening
- Year 7 Program
- Year 7 Camp
- Grade 5 visits from main feeder primary schools
- Year 7 Peer Support program and socialisation program
Pastoral Care and Counselling
- Form group teacher, year level coordinator, Student Wellbeing Leader
- Integration and Learning Support provision
- District support staff, visiting psychologists, access to speech therapists, etc
- Liaison with community support services - both government and non-government
- Out of school Hours Care Program
- Peer support program
- Life Education
- Engagement Framework