Abstudy - Bullying


ABSTUDY provides financial assistance for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who undertake approved secondary or tertiary education courses. Assistance is also available to primary students. For further information contact Centrelink Offices.



Education is compulsory in Victoria between the ages of six and sixteen years. When children are enrolled it is expected they will attend school every day of each term. All schools in Victoria record daily attendance. All students at all year levels must obtain 85% + attendance.


If a student is sick or misses school for any other reason, a note must be sent to school explaining the absence within 3 days of the absence. 


Parents may report absences: 

  • recording the absence on Compass
  • by ringing the college on 9459 0222 

The college attendance is monitored on a lesson-by-lesson basis using an electronic program, Compass. Parents/Carers are able to log in and check their student’s attendance and also log an absence. 


Students arriving at school after 9.00am must report to Reception to sign in at the kiosk and collect a late pass that must be given to their teacher upon arrival to class.



The college is fortunate to have extensive outside areas upon which students can enjoy ball games.  However, the playing of ball games in any areas where there are glass windows is forbidden at all times. Should a student cause a window to break for any reason the college may set an appropriate contribution towards replacement costs. For safety and legal reasons students are not permitted to retrieve balls from the roof; balls are regularly collected and returned by college maintenance. For this reason balls should be clearly labelled.



Macleod College aims to provide a co-operative and caring academic environment within a P - 12 school. The college promotes high standards of behaviour based on co-operation, courtesy, respect, self-discipline and mutual responsibility between all members of the college community. The secondary students are expected to show the younger students, leadership and consideration and to be excellent role models.




Primary students go to their assigned classrooms in readiness for the start of Period 1 at 9am.


The school day starts at 8.54am for Year 07-09 students with home group until 9am


Year 10 - 12 students do not have home group, but all students must be at their Period 1 class ON TIME at 9am.


Please be aware that on the last day Terms 1, 2 & 3 students are dismissed at the earlier time of 2.20pm and in Term 4 at 11am.


         Regular      Early Finish
Home Group8.54am – 9.00am8.54am – 9.00am
Period 19am – 10.00am9.00am – 9.50am
Period 210.00am – 11.00am9.50am – 10.40am
Recess11.00am – 11.20am10.40am – 11.00am
Period 311.20am - 12.20pm11.00am - 11.50am
Period 412.20pm – 1.20pm11.50am - 12.40pm
Lunch1.20pm – 2.10pm12.40pm – 1.30pm
Period 52.10pm – 3.10pm1.30pm – 2.20pm


Bicycle racks are provided for student use and are located outside the Administration Block.  Students are required by law to wear approved helmets when riding, these are to be stored in their lockers.  Riding bicycles on the footpaths or in the school grounds, borrowing or tampering with bicycles belonging to another student, will all be regarded as serious offences. Students are advised to lock their bicycles and leave all unessential accessories at home.



Macleod College has a comprehensive anti-bullying policy that includes specific procedures and is available on the College website www.macleod.vic.edu.au

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