Principal's Report 

"Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students." - Solomon Ortiz

World Teachers' Day

Tomorrow, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Each of us holds dear recollections of exceptional mentors who have enriched our lives and influenced the trajectories of our careers. We have an outstanding team of educators at the college. They are promoting curiosity and connection in all that they do with our students.  

Those who follow us on Facebook will have seen this week that Ms Casley is currently the Victorian Academy of Teaching & Leadership’s face of excellence. Ms Casley completed the rigorous Teaching Excellence Program alongside Mr Slocum last year. This year-long journey empowers educators with the latest research, elevating their teaching prowess and enriching classroom experiences. 


We're truly fortunate to have educators committed to continuous growth, sculpting brighter futures for our students.

Class of 2023

After bidding farewell to the Class of 2023 in our previous newsletter, we continued our celebrations on 13 October with a Farewell Breakfast and an unforgettable Graduation Dinner at the MCG. Having parents/carers join us for these special events was a wonderful ending to their journey through Beaumaris.  


The students thoroughly enjoyed the onsite festivities following the breakfast which included bubble soccer, human foosball and a photobooth which was kindly organised by the wonderful Parents' Association. Of course, the signing of uniforms and distribution of yearbooks was a highlight. 


On behalf of all Year 12 students and families, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude for the incredible effort and dedication that the Yearbook Committee poured into creating the Year 12 Yearbook. Your hard work has culminated in a beautiful keepsake that will be cherished by our graduating class for years to come.


It is the partnership with parents that has contributed to the success of the students and Beaumaris Secondary College as a whole.


All in all, the last week at BSC was the perfect finale for our first-ever Year 12 cohort.

BSC Ladies Lunch

A HUGE thank you to Vivienne Woollett, Leigh Hogarty, Shilpa Prajapati and Lisa Cleland (Parents' Association) for orchestrating yet another wonderful Ladies Lunch at True South last weekend. From all reports, your hard work and dedication made it a day to remember.

The Organisers!
The Organisers!

School Safety

With the commencement of another term, it is timely to remind parents of the need to take care and obey speed restrictions and parking signs in the vicinity of our school for the safety of our students.


With the increased congestion on our roads, it is important that parents understand their responsibility specifically relating to 40KM zones, Traffic signals, drop off and no stopping zones around our school. We also encourage all pedestrians to use the school crossings and follow supervisor instructions at all times.


Please refer to the Bayside City Council flyer which can also be found on the School Safety page of this newsletter.


Year 7 2024 Information Evening

Thank you to all the 2024 Year 7 families who attended our information evening last week. Our current students did a wonderful job sharing their experiences and our performers were amazing. Special thanks to our wonderful Parents' Association and Ms Hunter-Smith for organising student-made cupcakes for the night. We are looking forward to seeing our 2024 Year 7 students again on Orientation Day (12 December).

Voice Referendum & Middle East Resources

All students, regardless of age and background, will have heard and probably participated in commentary about the Referendum in the media, at home and within their communities, and some may need additional support during this time. This resource provides further information about supporting students, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.


Please also refer to the Dealing with Distressing Online Content page of this newsletter for guidance in response to disturbing content that may be circulating on social media in connection with the situation in the Middle East.

Donation to State Schools' Relief

A heartfelt thank you to the incredible BSC families who generously contributed to State Schools’ Relief in 2023/23. We have donated a generous $17,000 which will make an incredible difference in the lives of many.

Staffing Update

This term we are delighted to welcome Scott Ward (Technical Support).

Scott Ward
Scott Ward


Debby Chaves
