From the Principal

Lord, we raise Israel and Gaza to you, and pray for those suffering. We ask that you provide peace in this crisis, and protection and comfort for all those who have been impacted. 



Dear families,


This month is traditionally known as Mission Month across the schools in our diocese. As part of Mission Month we like to raise awareness of those in our world who are less fortunate than ourselves. As part of our commitment to raising money to support the efforts of CARITAS and other important charities, the students will be participating in a range of outreach activities. You will find a detailed explanation of the whole school activities for Socktober in the Religious Education section. 


The senior students are currently actively planning and preparing a fundraising initiative supporting local businesses and identified charities. Their dedication to this fundraising initiative demonstrates their commitment to making a difference in both locally and to the lives of those in need. This effort not only reflects their leadership qualities but also highlights the values of compassion, community engagement, and social responsibility that are instilled in students at our school. Please keep your eye out for more details from our 5/6 students in the near future.

2024 Enrolment Intentions & Planning

Please advise the office if you have not already done so ASAP if your child is not returning to St Pat's in 2024. This allows us to contact families waiting for places as well as assisting with class lists and planning.

Teacher Appointment for 2024 

I would like to announce the appointment of Chelsea Greenbank to our teaching staff for the 2024 school year. She is already a familiar face at St Patrick's having completed her final placement in F/1H and taking on a number of relief days also. Chelsea has articulated a passion and drive for quality learning and teaching with a keen desire to grow and develop as an educator from the collective wisdom of our staff and school community. Congratulations Chelsea, we're all looking forward to welcoming you to the Drummo staff team in 2024!

100 Years of Drummo - 2024

2024 will be a very exciting year for us in many aspects! One of the most exciting and unique occasions to mark is our 100 Years of being on the Drummond Street site as St Patrick's Primary. 


An event that we are in the infancy of exploring is a 100 Year Anniversary Ball. A tentative date has been set for Saturday 16th March (the day before St Patrick's Day). 


To engage our students in the celebration also, there seems to be some interest in a 2024 Fete....maybe November-ish? 


If you are keen to be a part of organising anything for the 100 years celebration I'd love to have a chat. Some ideas may also come out at the following....

Feedback / Possibility Thinking Sessions

I would like to invite you to be a part of a transformative discussion about the hopes and aspirations for the learning opportunities at St. Patrick's in 2024 and beyond. Your insights and perspective are invaluable, and I would be most appreciative of your input into these important conversations.


During these sessions, we will be discussing the following key areas:


Catholic School Culture: Delving into our shared values, traditions, and the unique spirit of St. Patrick's, ensuring that they continue to inspire and guide our educational journey.


Community Engagement: Exploring ways in which we can strengthen our connections with our school community and beyond, fostering collaboration and shared responsibilities.


Leadership and Stewardship: Discuss the vision and direction of St. Patrick's leadership, and how we can effectively steward our resources to support the growth and development of all students.


Learning and Teaching: Address the evolving educational landscape and innovative approaches to learning and teaching, ensuring our students are equipped for success now and into the future.


Wellbeing: Prioritising the physical and emotional well-being of our students, as we aim to maintain a nurturing and supportive environment.

School Fee Statements

School Fee Statements were emailed home last week, if you have any questions about your fees please contact Michelle in the office. As detailed on the statement we would like all school fees to be finalised by the end of November. Please keep in mind if you are paying by direct debit or credit card set up by the school, payments are still scheduled for November, after the 16th of November another statement will be emailed home. If you are experiencing financial difficulty and believe this year’s fees will not be settled by the end of November please be in contact with Michelle or I ASAP to discuss your situation and come to an arrangement to suit both the school and your family.


Have a great week ahead!


Kind regards,

Ben Shields