From the Principal

Good morning, I hope you have had a fantastic week.
We look forward to welcoming our Japanese visitors on Sunday. Fifteen students from Osaka with 3 chaperones will arrive at 1pm from the airport, where they will be provided with lunch and will meet their buddies and host families.
For most of them, this is their first time in Australia and the first time they are away from their families. The host families have been asked to welcome them into their homes and have them become part of their family. They will go to the football game on the weekend, visit grandparents, join in on birthday celebrations; anything the family would normally do.
During the day, the Japanese students will follow their buddy. This includes catching the bus, before and after school, purchasing lunch at the canteen and attending all classes. They will visit Bentons Junior College and speak Japanese to the students. They will visit Main Street on market day and attend a cooking class at school. On Thursday, will learn about Aboriginal culture at Willam Wurrain and attend a VCE Japanese class. Friday will be a trip to the city where they will tour visit Melbourne City Hall (as part of the sister city relationship between Melbourne and Osaka) and walk the Victoria Market. They will go to Moonlit Sanctuary with their buddy and introduce Japanese culture to students in Year 7 and 8 before they attend the sayonara party, where we farewell our visitors.
They are with us for 9 days. The relationships the students form are extremely positive and often last for many years.
Next year, students from Mornington Secondary College will elect to go to Osaka for 2 weeks, where they will experience similar things in Japan. Living with their buddy, who is often the student that stayed at their home in Australia and attend school and touring with our staff.
This is a fantastic experience for everyone. Our relationship with Osaka is more than 20 years old and we are very excited to continue this relationship. This is the first time since COVID was identified.
Our Japanese visitors will also attend the final rehearsal for the production, Lightning Thief. Tickets for the production are on sale now for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights in our Performing Arts building. I am told it is the best production yet so don’t be disappointed, grab some tickets before they run out.
Have a wonderful week everyone, thankyou for your continued support.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 3
Friday 26th July to Tuesday 6th August - Osaka Exchange
Friday 26th July - Year 9 2024 into Year 10 2025 Course Counselling Interviews (no classes for Year 9 students)
Tuesday 30th July to Thursday 1st August - College Production
Saturday 3rd August - College Production
Friday 2nd August - Year 10 2024 into Year 11 2025 Course Counselling Interviews (no classes for Year 10 students)
Friday 9th August - Staff Professional Development Day - Student Free
Thursday 22nd August - Parent Teacher Interviews - At school and online
Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th August - Music Camp
Thursday 12th September - Year 7 2025 Parent Information Evening - 5.00pm to 6.00pm
Monday 16th to Friday 20th September - Year 12 completing Units 3 and 4 - Trial Exams
Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September - Year 12 Revision Lectures
Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm Dismissal
Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents.
Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.
Middle School: Inspiring Excellence from the Paris Olympic Games
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we enjoy the excitement and spirit of the Paris Olympic Games, we are reminded of the incredible dedication, perseverance, and commitment that athletes demonstrate in their pursuit of excellence. These qualities are not only essential for achieving success in sports but are also invaluable in our students' academic journeys.
The athlete’s journey to the Olympics is a great example of what can be achieved through hard work and determination.
Their unwavering focus, resilience in the face of challenges, and continuous effort to improve are qualities that we can all learn from.
At Mornington Secondary College, we believe that these same attributes can greatly benefit our students in their educational pursuits. During the Olympic games we would like our students to have some fun, so we have planned some activities and competitions during Connect time.
Here are a few ways we can draw inspiration from the Olympic athletes:
Just as athletes set clear, measurable goals, our students can set academic and personal goals to strive for throughout the term. By having a clear target, students can stay motivated and focused on their progress. Based on our students’ academic reports, students will be goal setting and will select an area for improvement. Students will access their reports which were published at the end of last term to help them identify their goals.
Olympic athletes often face setbacks and challenges, but they remain committed to their goals. Encouraging our students to persist through difficulties and learn from their mistakes can help them build resilience and achieve success.
Athletes constantly seek to improve their performance through practice and feedback. Similarly, students can benefit from a growth mindset, understanding that effort and practice are key to learning and improvement.
As we watch the athletes compete in Paris, let's use their stories of hard work and determination to inspire our students to be their best. We look forward to seeing our students apply these Olympic qualities to their learning and personal growth.
Thank you for your continued support in helping our students achieve their full potential.
Wishing you a great week.
Denise Leggett
Middle School Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
I trust you have enjoyed a productive week. Our students have generally settled well into Term 3, despite the inclement weather. Term 3 is a critical term for all students and an opportunity to fine-tune the learning behaviours they need to have successful VCE outcomes (in either VCE VM or VCE ATAR pathways).
The formula to being a successful student is no secret.
- Attend every day
- Be on time to every class
- Bring all learning materials (multiple pens, pencils, highlighters, rulers, a charged laptop)
- Complete the set work during class time
- Seek teacher assistance in and outside of class time
- Embed new learning by completing home learning tasks/revision activities
- Stay healthy (lots of sleep, eating healthy foods, being physically active)
To assist and guide Mornington students to do the above, we have several processes in place. An attendance policy. We make contact every day a child is absent to find out a reason for the absence and run reports regularly and target students at risk (less than 80% attendance is considered at risk). We target truancy, unsafe behaviours such as being out of bounds (on and off-site) to ensure all students are safe and we can meet our duty of care.
We have a lateness process aimed at training students to be on time, so they don’t miss out on learning. We play music that alert students that it is time to immediately go to their lockers, get their materials and move to their classroom. Students who are on time will never have to worry about the process.
In the Senior School we have been trialling a Classroom Support Intervention (CSI). Any student who doesn’t complete the prescribed work in class is given a support session to attend at lunchtime that day (or the next day for a period 5 class) where they are required to complete the work. This ensures they do not fall behind. Falling behind can cause confidence issues for students of any age and negatively impact their self-concept and impact their attendance. Sometimes failure to complete work or attend support sessions may result in compulsory after-school support sessions. We had 226 support sessions in our trail phase in term 2, now we have expanded this to Year 10 and 12.
We are determined to ensure students at Mornington keep up to date with their learning so they can be successful in whatever pathway they choose. Parents will be notified of any learning outcomes or behaviours of concern and are welcome to contact class teachers or the relevant Year Level team.
Data has shown that students in Senior School who get behind, find it very difficult to catch up and while they may eventually scrape through, they rarely flourish and thrive, which is our goal for every student.
Course Counselling season
I look forward to seeing all of Year 10 students and families next Friday at the course counselling interviews. Any conversation about the future pathways of our young people is important and the selections made by our Year 10s have a significant impact on their remaining years at Mornington and potentially their future options.
At the time of writing this, a significant proportion of Year 10 families have not
a) booked an appointment, or
b) chosen their initial subjects for next year.
Please make this a priority. Any Year 10 student (or Year 11 student wishing to switch from ATAR to VCE VM) wishing to be part of the VCE VM pathway also needed to complete an application form by Friday 19th July and submit it to the student services office. Any student who has not yet completed this application, needs to contact me by the end of Monday 29th July to ask for an extension.
I look forward to seeing you all at the course counselling interviews.
Term 3 key dates for Senior School
Tues 16th July – Year 11 into Year 12 course counselling information session in assembly (completed)
Fri 19th July – VCE VM applications due. Applications for new Year 12 subject due (including online expression of interest) (completed)
Fri 2nd August – Year 10 into Year 11 course counselling
Fri 13th September – Final Day for Unit 4 coursework (Yr 12 VCE ATAR)
16-20th September – Trial exam period for Year 12 classes
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
Cybersafety For Kids (and parents)
The College recently had the privilege of hosting Susan McLean, former police officer and cybersafety expert. Susan spoke with staff, parents and all students in year 7, 8 and 9. Susan was very engaging and spoke about the importance of being safe online as well as some on the emerging trends, especially focused on what is happening for young people. I know there were many parents who were unable to make the parent session so the link below will give you access to 10 video’s which Susan has produced. I would especially draw your attention to the tips for parents video.
We like to think that our children are safe and that we would know if something was not right, but the confronting statistics that Susan presented tells us that sometimes our children are placing themselves at risk online. Can I implore all parents to take the time to be informed so you don’t end up being one of those parents that says “if only I had have known.”
Kind regards,
Mike Parker
Assistant Principal
Elevate Education - Parent Webinar Series
Congratulations to Rhiannon Rollo on your 100th game of football. Fantastic effort!
IT’S been a huge week for Mornington Junior Football Club player Rhiannon Rollo. Not only did she notch up 100 games on Sunday (21 July), an impressive feat for a 15-year-old in the fledging women’s footy code, but she has been named by Schnitz Mornington as their monthly “Local Legend”. Rhiannon has taken it all in her stride though, perhaps surprised she hadn’t reached her 100th game earlier belonging, as she does, to a family that is both footy mad and local footy royalty.
But it hasn’t all been easy for Rhiannon, who is in year 9 at Mornington Secondary College. Having lost her mother when she was a baby, she lost her father in May last year, and is now being raised by her 20-year-old sister Rochelle and 21-year-old brother Will.
“We grew up with football around us from the moment we were born,” said sister Rochelle. “Our grandmother was Pat Rollo and the Pine’s football ground is named after her.” “Then our dad. He was so passionate about footy and would always do goalie duties at one end when we were playing at Beleura Junior Football Club. So much so that there is a commemorative sign at that end of the ground. It is the ‘Stuart Rollo end’!”
Rhiannon started playing at age seven but couldn’t get onto a team until she was eight. From there it was playing with the boys for a few years before the first opportunities opened to play with the girls. While playing with Beleura, Rhiannon spent several seasons playing two games every Sunday; a factor in achieving her 100th game at such a young age.
Rhiannon got her “Legend” award for playing seven consecutive seasons for Beleura, and highlights included running out for the Beleura under 18’s at just 13-years-old. But everything was put on hold when her dad got sick. “After dad died in May last year, we thought it best to get Rhiannon back into footy. Back into what she loved,” said Rochelle. “We knew one of the coaches from Mornington Junior Football Club, Simon Zonneveldt, who used to coach at Beleura. He was a familiar face. The club were very welcoming and supportive, and helped Rhiannon get back on the field.”
Her 100th game on Sunday saw her run through a banner surrounded by her team-mates. But Rhiannon is humble about it. Keen to let her footy do the talking. “I feel it’s an honour. I don’t think many people get to 100 games at my age,” said Rhiannon. “Footy is second nature to me. I’ve done it all my life. I enjoy playing in the team, and I’ve made some good friendships along the way. I am grateful to have reached 100 games. And I did it without any major injury,” said Rhiannon, making a subtle dig at her sister Rochelle who is out of footy this year having done her ACL.
There is no doubt, talking to Rhiannon, that she looks up to her siblings for her football inspiration. “I go in for the ball. I put my body on the line. I learnt that from watching my sister and my brothers Will and Angus play.”
Adding to the achievement of 100 games was the news that Schnitz Mornington named Rhiannon as their “Local Legend”, nominated by MJFC, and presented her a $250 Rebel Sport gift voucher. “When we were looking for a worthy nominee, Simon put forward Rhiannon and the committee unanimously supported the nomination. We are so delighted to be partnering with Schnitz Mornington on this fabulous initiative", Club President Stewart Lockie said.
“This is exactly why we started the ‘Local Legends’ fund at Schnitz Mornington,” said Franchise owner Martin Catania. “Working with local clubs we can identify kids that are doing great things but might need a helping hand. Rhiannon is our latest awardee, and we couldn’t be happier.”
Schnitz Mornington launched the “Local Legends” fund earlier this year. “We donate $1 from every schnitzel and chips we sell at Schnitz Mornington to the fund. We then nominate a monthly ‘Local Legend’,” said Martin. “We’ve had great feedback from the customers. They love that they can eat at our restaurant and help a young person in the community at the same time!”
Perhaps the last word should go to the coach of the under 16 Mornington Junior Football Club girls’ team, Simon Zonneveldt. “We are just so proud of Rhiannon and everything she has achieved. She shows up and she puts in 100%. What else could you want in a player?”
First published in the Mornington News – July 23, 2024
State Cross Country Championships
On the 18th of June 5 Mornington Secondary College students competed at the State Cross Country Championships in the Yarra Valley Racecourse. Such an outstanding achievement to make it this far and compete against the best runners in the state! The conditions were not ideal to run in as the course was extremely wet and muddy.
Our under 14 boys team won the flag winning overall and becoming State Champions.
We also had Ella Holcombe compete in the 12/13 age group having a fantastic debut at State Cross-Country.
14 year old boys team
- Ethan Sheen 6th place
- Kai Peel 18th place
- Ryder Rowe 36th place
- Bailey Barret 46th place
12/13 age group (girls)
- Ella Holcombe 67th place
Congratulations to all students who competed in this event we are extremely proud of your huge contribution to the MSC cross country team this year! A big shout out to all parents for their support on the day and for capturing some great photos!
Alex Mackenzie
Athletics Coach
Victorian All Schools Cross-Country Championships
On Saturday the 20th of July 4 Mornington Secondary College students competed at the All Schools Cross Country Championships in Bundoora. This event was organised by Athletics Victoria and used to assist in selecting individuals to represent Victoria at the Australian Cross Country Championships held in Launceston, Tasmania in late August.
Congratulations to the following students who competed in the event against the best runners in Victoria from both public and private schools:
- Noah Sheen- U14 3km 121st place
- Bailey Barrett- U15 4km 57th place
- Ethan Sheen- U15 4km 9th place
- Andrew Turver- U18 6km 14th place
This is a phenomenal effort by all students and we are proud of their achievements on the Cross-Country track this year. A special mention to Ethan and Bailey who competed in this event just two days after the School Sport Victoria State Cross-Country, giving them very little recovery time.
As a result of this event, Ethan Sheen has been selected to compete for Victoria at the Australian Cross Country Championships. Andrew Turver will also compete at this event representing MSC. Both students achieving outstanding times for their run: Ethan – 14:11 (4km) & Andrew – 20:27 (6km).
Alex Mackenzie
Athletics Coach
Environmental Week
Pick up your rubbish
We’ve all got to live in this world so let’s do our bit.
As well as putting your own rubbish in the bin, do a good deed and pick up someone else’s.
It's Production Time! Don't miss out on purchasing your tickets.
The musical follows Percy Jackson, a 12-year-old boy who newly discovers that he is a demigod and goes on a quest to find Zeus' missing lightning bolt and prevent a war between the Greek gods.
Shows on the 30, 31 July and 1 August commence at 7pm.
3 August show commences at 2pm.
Uniform Sale
Plenty of uniform still available for purchase. Buy a school jumper and keep warm during these cold months. Orders can be placed through Compass Shop.
Good luck Ebony Lane
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