
STATE CROSS COUNTRY Thursday 18th July
Over the last week, there has been a lot happening at Naranga for sport. Last Thursday we had the State Cross Country Championships at Yarra Glen, where our kids did a brilliant job in terms of their performance and also their behaviour. The kids have made me very proud to call myself their PE teacher.
We have had some incredible results.
Alice -1st
Jayda - 2nd
Alex - 2nd
Alisha - 4th
Maddy -4th
David - 4th
Wyatt -11th
SEDA Footy Clinic
This Wednesday and for the next two Wednesdays, Naranga School is extremely fortunate to have SEDA school come out and deliver a footy clinic for the Junior through to Senior school. Our kids were engaged with the SEDA staff and worked at a variety of different skills such as handball, kicking, marking and going for goal.
Our kids really enjoyed this Wednesday, and are already looking forward to the next two sessions throughout this term.
This week in PE the junior school have been focusing on small sided games where we focus on team work, ball skills and keeping active.
For the Senior school, we have focused on ball tag, Treasure Island, as well as introducing a whole school search and tag game.
Friday morning basketball results:
Naranga 1 scored 20 against Officer who scored 27.
Naranga 2 scored 8 against Officer who scored 17.
Naranga 3 scored 6 against Officer who scored 10.
Well done to all those who played. Some great teamwork and a great effort from everyone.
Andy Craig
PE Teacher