Mrs Makeham

Welcome back to Term 3!


With Mr Hyatt off on his European jaunt, (no jealousy here) it falls to me to fill you in on this week's happenings at St. Pat's. 

Monsignor Wilkes

Monsignor Wilkes is unwell at the moment. He has undergone surgery earlier this week and is now recuperating at home. We all wish Monsignor well and are praying for his speedy recovery. Please keep Mons in your prayers. 

NAPLAN Results

Every year before students in Years 3 and 5 sit the NAPLAN tests, we teachers go to great lengths to reassure students that the test results, whilst important, do not quantify students value as learners or as people. They are simply one test on one day. These tests are primarily designed to provide teachers with data to help inform the direction their teaching programs need to take and to provide parents with an 'idea' of how their children are performing in the school and national contexts.


That said, it would appear somewhat incongruous for me to write espousing the spectacular results our Year 3 and 5 students achieved in this years' NAPLAN assessments. Whilst the former still holds true, it is fitting to congratulate our students and our teachers and to recognise our outstanding results in this year's tests. Our school performed at above the national average, (and in some areas - well above) across all literacy and numeracy domains. 


The targeted and collaborative approach our teachers and support staff take towards learning growth and improvement is reflected in the results of our hard-working students. I am so proud of them all!


NAPLAN results have been sent home with Year 3 and Year 5 students today.

Students As Authors Writing Competition

It is with great pleasure that I share with you the news that our very own BELLA NORTON has won one of the categories for this year’s Students As Authors Writing Competition. The competition was very fierce and this year they had a total of 117 entries from across all schools in the Diocese. A huge congratulations to Bella and her proud parents.


Bella will work with illustrator, Trish Donald, to develop her story into an eBook which will be published on SORA, our digital library app, where it can be borrowed and read by an audience of more than 250,000 students in 15 Catholic Dioceses across Australia. 


Bella joins Harriet Laurie who was one of last year's winners.


NERAM Art Prize

Congratulations to Ryan Partridge, Isaac Olrich and Mackenzie Larkings who are finalists in this year's NERAM primary school art competition. This is a huge competition and to achieve a place in the finals is outstanding. The finalists and their parents have been invited to Armidale this Friday night for the announcement of winners. Fingers crossed!


Renovation Works Update

"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." 

Unfortunately the nasty weather over the holidays has meant that the builders and bricklayers have not been able to be on-site so as to have our playground ready for the start of Term 3. That's okay... a few more weeks won't kill us. 


The new raised garden beds have arrived and we are now awaiting the arrival of the "Chook Palace." Gardening has incredible benefits for children’s health. Aside from the obvious development of gross and fine motor skills, gardening also improves students' cognition and social skills. In today's world of 'instant everything', it is vital that children learn the joys of hard work and delayed gratification. You plant a seed… and then wait for it to grow. It can be weeks before you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. From this, children get invaluable lessons in patience. They also learn listening skills, how to follow instructions and interpersonal skills.


The official opening for our new playground is planned for Friday 30th August as part of our Father's Day Breakfast, Grandparents Day, and Book Week Fashion Parade. This event aims to formally recognise the contributions of our current and past P and F members, Walcha community members, our former principal, Mrs. Burton, and others who have played a role in making this project a reality. Additionally, the director of Armidale Catholic Schools, Regina Menz, will be in attendance to showcase her ninja skills. 



As you may know, NSW education is in a transition stage with new curriculum being introduced in all Key Learning Areas over the next few years. The new Mathematics and English syllabi are now in a consolidation phase. The teachers met on Monday to review our school's progress with the implementation of English and Maths at a practical, classroom level. Great things are happening in our classrooms and we have made a very successful transition. 


2024 Remaining Staff Development Days (PD Days)

Monday 14th October (First day of Term 4)

Friday 20th December (Last day of Term 4)

Upcoming Event Term 4 - New England Sings 2024 Term 4  for Years 3-6

NEW ENGLAND SINGS! 2024 COMBINED PRIMARY CHOIRS REHEARSAL SCHEDULE Armidale and surrounding schools – outreach schools will have rehearsals scheduled at their own school. However, outreach schools are welcome to attend the Armidale workshops if possible.


This exciting event is beginning to take shape, 16 schools (with approx. 500 choristers) in the combined Primary choirs and 14 schools (with approx. 450 choristers) in the Secondary choir. 


Ian Jefferson will attend the workshops throughout the year and conduct the Primary choirs at the final weekend of rehearsals and concerts.



Date:                                  Wednesday 31st July

Time:                                  9:30-11:00am


FINAL REHEARSAL (all schools, including outreach schools to attend):

Date: Saturday 26th October (directed by Ian Jefferson) 

Time: Primary Choir 9:00am – 10.45 am (arrive by 8:30am) 

 Venue: Lazenby Hall, UNE


CONCERTS: Date: Sunday 27th October (directed by (with Ian Jefferson) 

Time: Primary Choir 11:00am – 1:00pm (arrive by 9:30am) 

Venue: Lazenby Hall, UNE



St Patrick’s School is an outreach school for the rehearsals but we will attempt to attend two of the rehearsals in Armidale. 


Parents will have to commit to the Saturday 26th October - Final Rehearsal and Sunday 27th October Concert. If they wish their child to participate in New England Sings. 


A short video on what New England Sings! is all about is included below: