Mini Vinnies 

Mini Vinnies Committee

President -  Katie

Vice Presidents - Indie

Secretary - Florence

Treasurer - Grace F

Events Organisers - all Mini Vinnies members

Publicity Officers - all Mini Vinnies members


Mini Vinnies Talent Quest Round-Up

A big congratulations to all the students who took part in yesterday's Mini Vinnies Talent Quest! St Patrick's is truly brimming with talent, as showcased by the diverse range of performances. From puppet shows and dancing to singing, and more, every act was exceptional. The impressive creativity and skill on display made it incredibly challenging for our judges to determine this year’s winners. Well done to everyone involved!


The winners of our Talent Quest were:


1st Place- Fergus, Alfred, Campbell and Jack.

2nd Place- Palesa.

3rd Place- Florence, Hannah, Airlee, Josie, Phoebe, Lucy, Nina, Grace F, Penny and Lucie.