Principal's Report 

Dear families and friends of MPW,

I hope you had an enjoyable King’s Birthday long weekend.  We had a successful 5/6 camp last week with our 4-day trip to Camp Kookaburra, including a day trip to Echuca. We got washed out on Wednesday and quickly modified the program to ensure activities were able to be run and make the best out of a wet day. Luckily the sun came out for the trip into Echuca, where we took a trip on a paddle steamer on the Murray River, straying ever so slightly into NSW whilst on the water. I would like to thank the 5/6 team for their work preparing for and running the camp last week. Thank you also to our parent helpers who were able to support the camp and enjoy the experience. I quite enjoy attending camps, so was pleased that I was able to go along to support the group this time and be able to spend time with our 5/6 cohort throughout the week. The students’ resilience being away from home and being flexible with the program changes was exactly what we would expect out of our MPW students. Overall, a fun time was had by all!

End of Term Reminders

The last day of Term 2 is Friday 23rd June. We will have our final assembly for the term on this day at 9:05am in the gym (no assembly on Monday). We will continue to have our MVIMP students perform as we enter and a special performance by the MVIMP school band.  A reminder that the school day ends at 2.30pm on the last day of term.

Semester Reports and Three-Way Conferences

This Friday 16th, we will be publishing our Semester 1 Reports onto Compass. The Semester Reports provide information about your child’s achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and some statements about your child’s learning and behaviours at school.

We will be holding Three-Way Conferences early in Term 3. You will be able to book for your child’s conference through Compass in the first weeks of the new term.


The Semester Reports should be considered alongside the Ongoing Reporting tasks published each term for Reading, Writing, Maths and Specialists, and the Progress Report which gives an update on your child’s behaviour and effort in class. The Behaviour and Effort Scale and Rubrics in Ongoing Learning Tasks should provide you with timely feedback as to how your child is progressing and their next steps in that particular area. The Semester Report is a summary overall of how your child is progressing, using the ongoing evidence and assessments completed through terms 1 and 2 for teachers to make a balanced judgement against the curriculum. The Ongoing Reporting can be found in the ‘Learning Task’ tab and the Semester Reports and Progress Reports can be found in the ‘Reports’ tab.


This term we have been reviewing our Reporting elements with feedback from staff and the community through the Education Committee and will be looking to trial a varied reporting structure in Semester 2. We will be sending out the specific details of this trial in the last week of term. Thank you to staff and those families who have provided feedback this term.

Winter Solstice

Wednesday 21st June is Winter Solstice, which is where the sun travels the shortest path through the sky resulting in the day of the year with the least sunlight and therefore the longest night. To acknowledge the Winter Solstice, MPW typically holds a pyjama day in recognition of the solstice. This was discussed at JSC meeting today and students will be promoting Winter Solstice PJ day over the coming days.

Emergency Drills

Next week, we will hold the second of our emergency management drills. As part of our OHS requirements we are required to conduct four Emergency Management Drills each year. These drills include: a lockdown drill, evacuation drills (onsite and offsite) and shelter in place. Early next week, we will be practising our offsite evacuation drill. A notification is placed through Compass after the drill’s completion.


Uniform Update- School Tops for Offsite Activities from next term

A reminder that the next stage of our Dress Code timeline begins next term. From Term 3, students are required to wear a school logoed top for offsite activities, including excursions, sports days and local excursions. Teams will send out reminders when these activities are scheduled that a school top is required for the offsite activity. Our Dress Code Policy, including the implementation timeline can be found on our school website here:

Parent Contributions and Donations to the school

Parent/carer contributions continue to provide an important and critical source of funding which enables us to supply resources necessary to maximise successful delivery of our learning programs. While all school contributions are voluntary, we appreciate payment if you are able. Payments can be made at the school office or on Compass.

As the end of the financial year approaches, families may wish to note that certain donations to the school (to the library and building funds) are tax deductible. Every donation to these funds assists our school to provide resources to support our students. If you would like more information, please contact the general office.

Capital Works Update

The Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) has provided an update for the school community for our capital works project. Please find attached an interview with one of the key architects, Amelia Cloney from BSPN, involved in our project. We are still on track for the building works to commence in Term 4 this year. We are hoping to be ready to share the final designs with the community next term.

You will notice around the school there have been Public Notices posted from Heritage Victoria regarding the application for a heritage permit. This includes proposed works to the Junior Building. There is an opportunity to provide a written submission to Heritage Victoria, we would encourage our parent community to make submissions in support of the proposed works.




Jarrod Sutton
