Principal's report

Camp Australia

A meeting with Camp Australia took place this week. In the near future Camp Australia will be surveying the members of the school community who use the Camp Australia Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program to assist with improvements to the program and service delivery.

Preps/Foundation first full week next week

Next week our Foundation students begin full time Monday to Friday. A reminder to please be extra careful when driving around the school -especially at pick up and drop off at the beginning and end of the school day.

Drop off zones

A further reminder that the drop off zones are not for parking. The zones are explicitly for drop off and pick up. Using the zones for drop off and pick up relieves parking pressure in the immediate vicinity of the school. 

Return of SMS forms

Please note that the SMS system is yet to be activated as it is a group activation. The system will be activated on Tuesday March 13 so please return your forms as soon as possible. Your family will not be included in the system without your authority.


The SMS communication is to be used, for example, in emergency situations and for student non-attendance at school.


By sending back the form with up-to-date mobile and email details parents and carers authorise the inclusion of these details in the sms functionality of the Department of Education’s CASES21 system.


If you have any questions regarding this SMS service could you please contact the office.

Promoting Healthy, Safe and Respectful School Communities

Moonee Ponds West Primary School recognises the importance of the partnership between schools and parents/carers to support student learning, engagement and wellbeing. We share a commitment to, and a responsibility for, ensuring a positive school community that provides inclusive, safe and orderly learning environments for children.

This Statement of Expectations sets out our behavioural expectations of all members in this school community, including the principal, school staff, parents/carers, students, volunteers and visitors. It respects the diversity of individuals in our school community and addresses the shared responsibilities of all members in building positive, safe and respectful school communities.


We welcome your feedback and are  seeking feedback from students,staff and community members.  We are aiming to have final statement completed by the end of the term. Please provide your feedback through the school website or via the school email @

Reminder - Curriculum Day next week

A reminder that Friday 9th March is a curriculum (pupil free) day.

Reminder - School Self Evaluation

As part of our School Self Evaluation, a number of questions have been distributed around the school (on clipboards outside classrooms). Your feedback and comments in response to the questions would be very much appreciated. Completed responses can be posted in the box on the counter at the front office. 


Capital Works Project (Eglington St Toilet build)

The capital works project of building new toilets on the Eglington St side of the school has moved into the Design and Development phase. Please see the link below to view the Schematic Design.

Reminder - Secondary School Expo

The annual Secondary School Expo will be held in the school gym on 21st March.  For further details please see the information in 'Education News' Afterschool care will be in the performance space and the library on this day.

Reminder - School Council elections

In 2018 we have 3 parent/community member vacancies and 2 DET vacancies. Murray Kingsley our Treasurer will be retiring after the March meeting.


Today at 4 pm nominations for Moonee Ponds West School Council 2018/2020 closed. As at 4 pm  we had received 2 nominations in the DET member category and have 2 vacancies so an election will not be required.  In the parent member category we received 5 nominations and have 3 vacancies, we are now  required to hold an election.  Please find  below the nominations.


DET Category

  • Michelle Bovè
  • Alyena Mohummadally

Parent/Community Member

  • Ben Atchison
  • Kylie Brown
  • Nigel Keegan
  • Matthew Kenny
  • Lisa Shaw

Below is the process and timetable for the elections. Nomination forms are available from the Office.


Friday 16th February 2018

  • Notice of election and call for nominations

Friday 2nd March 2018

  • Closing date for nominations
  • Date by which list of candidates and nominators will be posted

On or before Wednesday 7th March 2018 (if required)

  • Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed

Thursday 15th March 2018

  • Close of ballot

Friday 16th March 2018

  • Vote count

Tuesday 20th March 2018

  • Declaration of ballot

Monday 26th March 2018

  • Special council meeting to co opt community members (the principal will preside)
  • First council meeting to elect office bearers  (the principal will preside)

Reminder - Movie Night

On Friday 23rd March we will be holding our annual movie night. This is a wonderful opportunity for community to come together and enjoy a family evening under the stars - weather permitting. Please see the flyer within our Fundraising Events page within this newsletter.

The Fundraising Group are looking for new community to members to join the group and volunteers to help out at upcoming events.  Please  leave your details at the Office.


Enjoy the weekend,



Notices Home

Tuesday 27th February

  • Years 3/4 Camp Expression of Interest

School Council report

School Council meeting Monday 26th Feb 2018:


School Council met on Monday 26 February. We reviewed Sub-Committee reports including news from the Resources and Education Sub-committees.

  • A report from the Communication Working group outlined plans for further review of the analysis from the recent communication survey, which assessed the school’s communication with the wider school community, as well as the possible introduction of SMS notifications to parents. The use of the ‘Skoolbag’ app will also be reviewed soon after the trial period has completed, and there are plans to update the school’s Facebook page.
  • Jeff reported on activities from the school. Camp locations and dates have been locked in and approved for the year. Discussions were had regarding the school’s Strategic Planning including to address the Vision and Values of MPWPS as the initial stage of this process this year. The Master Planning/Capital Works project with the proposed toilet block renovation is also on track.
  • Jeff also discussed that a finance audit was completed recently for activities at MPWPS over the past 12 months with the school’s effort being rated very highly.
  • We heard that there is a re-established Environmental and Sustainability Sub-Committee which had its first meeting for 2018 this week to determine a strategic plan for the next 12 months. One of the first steps will be to enhance the membership of this group through advertising expressions of interest to the school community to be involved in this Sub-Committee. Please watch out for the flyer.
  • We were also notified that MPWPS is the MVIMP Program coordinator for the local schools for 2018-2020.
  • We are currently in the School Council Election yearly process with nominations closing today. At the next  School Council meeting we will have an election of Office Bearers for 2018.

Nigel Toussaint

School Councillor