Principal's report

Dear Parents, Students and Carers of Moonee Ponds West Primary School,


Thank you to those students, staff and parents who got into the spirit of Book Week.  It was a talking point for students and staff with many opportunities for laughter and fun! These types of occasions help build a strong, respectful and inclusive culture.  I hope your child enjoyed the multi-aged workshop with a teacher they might not know.  I certainly enjoyed the group that joined me in my office.  What lovely manners and respectful behaviour these children demonstrated to each other and to me during this session.  Of course, we expect this behaviour from all students and it is such a great reflection of parenting and staff interactions as part of their schooling.  A great occasion.  Thank-you to Toula and Claudia who had steerage of this project.

Interschool Athletics

On Monday August 20 2018, a team of students went to Aberfieldie Athletics track to represent the school in Athletics.  They gave great effort to contribute to the greater good of the team.  We eventually won the Shield for this day.  Well done to all.  Next time we compete, we might have a set of singlets for you all to wear proudly!  We have 20 children who are going onto the next stage.  As I always say, the result is good but giving true effort is always the winner.  Thank-you to the coaching that has enabled the student to give their best.

This year the next stage for some of our students conflicts with the 5/6 camp.  Unfortunately, for this year, the children will have to make a choice.  Please speak with the PE teacher Bree White if you want further information or clarity.

Numeracy Coaching

We have become a member of the Numeracy Network, which enables teachers to work with others to build mathematical knowledge and skill.  Our consultant Chris Coombes was in the school on Thursday viewing some mathematics lessons across the school.  Seeing what we do, and working out what aspects need our attention will be the work of a small leading numeracy group in consultation with the Numeracy Curriculum team. Chris Coombes and colleagues will work with us this year planning the work for 2019.  It is very exciting to see the renewed enthusiasm in teachers and students.  I mention these developments as your child may mention that there were others in the class talking to the teacher and them about their learning.

Father’s Day Stall

Like with Mother’s Day the children are busy making items for the Fathers (and/or significant male person) Day Stall.  They will be making these items during FAT and other times across next week. The stall will run in the same way as the Mother’s Day Stall.  Helpers on the day would be appreciated.  The JSC has carriage of this event.

Music Soiree

Our Instrumental Music Programs Soiree is on next week August 29 in our Gym.  When children learn an instrument, it is important for the student to perform as part of the learning experience.  I urge your attendance and support.

Well that is about it from me.  Until we meet in person.


Sincerely and in good faith

Kerri Simpson

Alias Mary Poppins!

Parent Opinion Survey

Thank you to the randomly selected families who have completed the online Parent Opinion Survey. For  families that are yet to complete the survey  the closing date for the online Parent Opinion Survey has been extended to Sunday 2nd September 2018. Parents can submit completed online surveys until 11:59 pm Sunday 2nd September 2018.

Pick Up Zone

I  have been informed that there are some very dangerous practices developing again  in Eglington St at the PICK UP ZONE.  It appears that parents and carers are double parking waiting for a space to develop or worse still calling their child to the car whilst double parked. Such practices require the child to move between cars, focused on their car with no lateral visual considerations of their environment. Very dangerous!!

I remind all parents of the safety steps in using these zones:


 1. If your child is not at the pick up areas continue drive on PLEASE do a block, rather that wait!  Again this is not a parking zone.


 2. Waiting for your child can occur BUT if a student gets in a car behind you then the courtesy is that you are required to move on and return 3. Double Parking to wait for a spot will incur a ticket from the COUNCIL as you are deemed to be ‘stopped in the carriageway in a non stopping zone’ There is a fine that usually appears in the post!


I am not wanting to call the Council to solve this problem but I must be advocating for the safety of all students who are using this process. 

Please assist in making this area as safe as possible.

Remember: There is a teacher on duty at school until 3.45 so you could arrive after the busy time. My experience is that the zone clears within 10 minutes of dismissal time.


I thank you in anticipation of compliance.  I will keep you informed about the next steps.



Kerri Simpson