Principal's Report
Dear parents, carers and students,
Hot off the press cross country results have come in, our students achieved two firsts, and a fourth! Students from across our school competed in Cross Country today. It was wonderful to see students from lower juniors all the way to seniors take part. Whist is was cold it was sunny - typical cross country weather. With these amazing results we will have students representing Naranga School at the next level. Staying on the theme of sport, we have an aerobics team competing locally on the weekend. These students, with the support of teachers have created and practiced a routine ready for Sunday. They presented their routine at assembly last week and it evident they have been working hard on their routine. We are looking forward to hearing how they went.
The students have settled in well to the new term and with Brave Week finished there are still students focused on their passions. They include sewing, bike riding and cooking to name a few.
A date to put in your calender Wednesday 17th May is our careers night at school. There will be more information to come. It is open to all our school community. It gives parents and students the oportunity to consider their options post schooling. Even if you are many years off from this time it is an opportunity to start developing understanding what options there are.
Shaun Bacon
Assistant Principal