Specialist Report - PE

Physical Education | Visual Arts | Performing Arts | Italian | STEM

Hello from the 2021 Specialist team! 

Physical Education 

What’s been happening in Physical Education?

Grade Preps

The grade prep students have been settling into the routines of Physical Education. They have been practising to share equipment, follow instructions with small group activities. 

Grade 1/2s

The 1/2 students have been learning some basic fundamentals to the track and field events within Athletics. They were introduced to the words “on your marks, get set and go” understanding the concepts of preparing for take off within a sprint event. 

Grade 3/4s

The 3/4 students have been learning how to use be a successful track and field athlete. They have been training to use a shot put and discus, as well as practising other events like the long jump, triple jump and sprints.

Grade 5/6s

The 5/6 students have been learning how to invade an attacking and defending are successfully within an game situation. They were introduced to the positions within netball and became familiar with where they go on a netball court. The 5/6s have also been lucky enough to have coaches come in and train them from Craigieburn Eagles Basketball Club. They were teaching over the basic techniques required to use within a basketball game and then progressed to the decision making and strategies used with a basketball match. They also compared the similarities and differences between netball and basketball. 

If anyone is interested in enrolling their child in Basketball, please contact Lachlan Stokan from Craigieburn Eagles on 0405 803 767.


Sport News

Intra House Cross Country 

A few weeks a go, the grades 3-6 students had their Intra House cross country day. The sportsmanship and persistence shown throughout the day was absolutely fantastic. Well done to all students for having a go! Congratulations to the following students who will now if older than 8 will be competing against other local schools in May for District Cross Country:


National Ride2School Day

Last Friday the 19th of March was National Ride2School Day. The students were surveyed to see who was riding their bike/scooter, walking to school, as well as those who were driven or took public transport. From the students that were surveyed, our schools data showed that we had:

25 students rode a bike or skated

63 students walked

250 drove 

2 students took public transport

Well done. Lets keep walking and riding to school!


Look at all these bikes in the bike shed! Show us how many students are riding to school. Amazing work! 

Bike Shed
Bike Shed


Please remember when riding your bike or scooter to wear a bike helmet every time, even if you're going for a short ride. And follow these rules:

  • Make sure your helmet fits you well.
  • Always wear your helmet the right way so it will protect you: Make sure it covers your forehead and don't let it tip back. Always fasten the straps.
  • Don't wear a hat under your helmet.
  • Take care of your helmet and don't throw it around. If it's damaged, it won't protect you as well when you need it.
  • Get a new helmet if you fall while you're on your bike and hit your head.
  • Put reflective stickers on your helmet so drivers can see you better.



This year, the students in grades 5/6 will be participating in the intensive swimming program at Splash. We will try and endeavour to make this option cover more cohorts in future years. 


Five reasons your children should learn to swim:

  • Lessons provide your kids with confidence, which is great for self-esteem
  • Your child will learn about water safety in and around water
  • Swimming is a great way to exercise
  • Earlier development of physical skills including hand-eye coordination and muscle tone
  • Enhances social and personal skills

For those looking to send their child to swimming lessons. Please call Splash on 93566800.


Alannah - Physical Education teacher