Icarus Community Report
Issue 11
Icarus Community Report
Issue 11
A message from the 5/6 Icarus teachers
We cannot believe how fast this term is flying and how much learning we have packed in so far! We are proud to see our school captains and other student leaders settling into their positions and fulfilling their responsibilities in supporting their school, especially at assembly.
Last week, a selection of Icarus 5/6 students departed for Somers Camp for 9 days. They are accompanied by our grade 5/6 teacher Amber. We wish them well on what promises to be a fantastic adventure. We are looking forward to hearing all their stories when they return!
Cross Country
Well done to our PE teacher Alannah for coordinating our Cross Country event.
Students really used their resilience skills in what was a new experience for many students. Here are some student thoughts:
‘The grade 3/4s and grade 5/6s did Cross Country on the 4th of March. Each lap you ran you got a mark on your hand to show how many laps you had done. Everyone did have a go and tried their best. Well done to everyone who had a go! - Nasrin
‘People ran their fastest and pushed themselves to their limits. I have to say it was challenging but I tried my hardest and made it. Everyone had a fun and exciting time and everyone showed good sportsmanship.’ - Shahmir
Inter-school sport
On Friday 26th March, Aitken Hill will host its first ever inter-school sport competition.
Students have been allocated a team for one of the following sports: Volleyball, Basketball, Teeball and Cricket.
Students from nearby Gaayip-Yagila Primary School in Mickleham will visit our school to compete. Our focus is on having fun, remembering the rules and showing excellent sportsmanship.
Our Learning
We have been continuing our focus on writing narratives using the Story Mountain structure. We have been concentrating on 'up-levelling' our stories by ensuring we include interesting vocabulary, the 'power of three' adjectives, including dialogue and punctuation. Another important thing is including imagery and figurative devices.
Below are some examples of our writing:
Our Maths focus has been on additive thinking and understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction. We are excited about our the upcoming Maths Day our 5/6 cohort will celebrate. This will be a fun day jam-packed with maths games and challenges to test our knowledge and problem solving skills!
In our Social and Emotional Learning, we investigated organisations that help people and created educational posters to display around the school.
'We made posters about who to call if there is an emergency or if you just need someone to talk to. It was really fun and I learnt so much information. If you have a bad injury, you can call an ambulance (000), or if you just need to talk to someone you can call Kids Helpline for free at any time. They can listen to you and help (the number is 1800 55 1800).’ - Ava
Bounce Back Incursion
On Thursday 11th March we held an incursion called ‘Bounce Back’ for our 5/6 students in the school gymnasium. The topics covered were ways to build resilience and bouncing back from challenging situations. This related to our learning in Inquiry and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) this term.
‘This is a grade 5/6 dropping in with news about our Bounce Back incursion. We were visited at school by a nice man named Tim that taught us about resilience and how to be mindful of others. My opinion of the incursion was that it was very nice and informative!’
- Jasroop
Home Learning
Students are given a diary and home reader to take home (in a plastic pocket to protect the book). They change their home reader daily. We ask that they read out loud for 15 minutes every night as part of their home learning.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s Mentor Teacher via the Compass app or call or email the school office to make a time to meet with teachers.
Students have been each allocated a school diary to take home. We encourage parents and guardians to regularly check this.
Kind regards,
5/6 Icarus teachers,
Lisa, Paul, Amber and Ainsley