Environment and Sustainability news at MPW!

"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall


Committee Update

The Environment and Sustainability Sub-Committee met on Wednesday the 16th October for the

first meeting for Term 4. It's been a busy year this year with the initial works for the Sensory

Garden currently taking place after a period of planning and consultation with the community. We

also discussed the re-grouping of the MPW Green Team which is going from strength to strength

every week! One of the responsibilities of the committee is to develop a Green Action plan, which

is currently in draft form and to oversee other issues arising in the school, like attending to the

peppercorn tree roots hazard and the keeping tabs on the tree plantings.

MPW is also a Resource Smart School, meaning we are part of a program run by Sustainability

Victoria to assist us in becoming a sustainable school. Lots of work is done in this space and

Sara and Bec (MPW parents) are heading off to Deer Park Primary today to complete some of the

online modules required to enable us to reduce waste and save energy!

Well done to The Green Team for organising a fabulous Nude Food picnic lunch last Friday as

well as having Earth Crusaders come along during FAT. Excellent work Green Team and we hope

that MPW kids keep up those nude food lunchboxes!!