Music with Jay!

Can You Match My Pitch?

In our music and vocal classes, we start each lesson with pitch exploration or a warm up exercise. Why do we do this? As young peoples' vocal cords are developing we need to ensure they are singing softly and in their 'head voice'. Head voice is pitched higher than our normal speaking voice. When we sing lower, our vocal cords shorten and when we sing higher they lengthen. Because the vocal cords in young people are still developing, if we ask them to sing too low, we risk damaging these vocal cords!


Our red school value is to 'Be Safe' and there is no exception in the music room so students are always encouraged to sing in their head voice! 


You might notice if you're experiencing vocal fatigue or have a sore throat that talking is uncomfortable or painful. Engaging your head voice, or speaking softly at a higher pitch, will be much more comfortable as our vocal cords are not rubbing together or vibrating as intensely. 


Have you ever sung a lullaby to your child? Notice that you naturally sing softly and often higher than your usual speaking voice (you've been singing in head voice without even knowing it! Go you!)


As we warm up our voices students are supported to match my pitch. Now, let's see if you can match my pitch! Watch the video below and be my echo! 


Cuckoo Where Are You?


In the coming weeks I'll post the reply to this question. This little song is a call and response, so our little Galah that you met today sings the question and another little bird will sing the reply. Music often works in this way, with a question and an answer. Encouraging students to understand this concept and eventually create their own question and/or answer is a big step towards creating their own songs! 


To encourage your learner even more, sing, sing, sing! If they're helping with the chores, sing about it. "I'm folding the washing, will you help now?" See if they sing back to you. It's fun, it's silly and it's absolute gold for brain development and continuing to improve those vocal skills! 


Jay Pharaoh

Music Teacher