School News & Gallery 

'Living Well, Learning Well'  -  3 rules for Living

  1. I am safe.
  2. I am valued, respected and cared for.
  3. I am a learner

Week 6 - Home Learning is going well. 

Science Week activities with Nina & Henry.


We did the coloured Celery experiment but we used white flowers. We filled 7 cups with water and added food colouring to make red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. We left one plain water. We put 2 flowers in each cup and sat them in the sun for 1 day. The flowers changed colour. We looked up on the computer and talked to mum about how the water moves through the little tubes in plants. 

From Henry and Nina

School Work & Farm Work at the Brennan's - great work Maddie, Bentley & Koby. 

Tylar has been doing the 3/4 classroom cooking activities!

 Nina -  measured the area of our coffee table, doormat and a placemat using books. The coffee table is the biggest, it is 28 books and the placemat is the smallest, it is 9 books.


Band/Music Lessons for Year 3-6 today by Zoom with Mr McKay.

                                                                  Good work Bentley!

A little bit of fishing at the Rizzi farm!

Contacting Your Child's Teacher

Teachers welcome contact from parents, if you would like to talk with staff please either contact the class teacher by phoning the school – 67772328 or email the school on


Remember We are all part of the Schools Brand!