
Deb Hanlen (Pathways/VET/Careers Coordinator)

Subject Selection for 2022

It’s that time of year when students in Years 8-11 submit their subject preferences for the following year. Students currently in Year 10 had VCE/VCAL pathway interviews last week to assist them with selecting their subjects for their final years of secondary school. Students in Years 8 & 9 have attended subject presentations to guide them in selecting suitable electives for Years 9 & 10 next year.


Students received an email containing their personal “Webcode” which they will use to access the “edval” subject selection portal. Emails were sent to the students’ Sandringham College email address (eg. )


The portal will close on Monday 12 July 2021 at 5pm.

When selecting your subjects:

  1. Select subjects in order of importance.
  2. Choose suitable back-up subjects in case they are needed during timetable construction.
  3. Print a copy of selections, get parent signature and return a copy to the Student Manager.

If you have any careers questions please contact Deb Hanlen on phone 03 8599 0595 or email