Congratulations and Swimming!

Congratulations Issi!
What an achievement it was for Issi to have reached the Regional Cross Country Carnival! This was held on Monday, 7th June at the Lismore Turf Club where Issi bravely competed alongside the best in the region.
On the Friday before the event we wished Issi all the best and bought not one, but two white chocolate mud cakes (see the cover photo) to let her know how proud we feel of her. We of course, helped her eat the cakes too...
Worker of the Week
Congratulations to Eli and Imogen
who were the Workers of the Week last week. Issi and Jed were chosen the week before. Well done!
Swimming Lessons
For the last two weeks we have been attending Goonellabah Sports and Aquatic Centre (GSAC) for swimming lessons.
We participated in two sessions a day and all the children made great progress. It really was amazing to see how they improved over the five days we attended.
Thank you for supporting these lessons. Enjoy the photos!