School Council
School Council Membership 2023/2024
Parent members:
- Daniel Bevz
- Rick Bottiglieri - Vice President
- Fiona Limoli
- Thomas Rundle - Treasurer
- Brian Stanley - President
- Robert Thorp
- Laura Tripp
DET members:
- Lauren Klymenko
- Lisa McLachlan
- Jarrod Sutton - Executive Officer
- Sandra Monaghan - School Council Secretary
School Council Meeting 27th March 2023
The meeting started off thanking outgoing members of School Council. Thank you to Helen Lockart for serving on School Council for many years. Helen’s contributions as an educator and her commitment to continually improve many aspects of school life have been incredibly appreciated. New School Council members Lauren Klymenko, Daniel Bevz and Robert Thorpe were welcomed, along with Amanda Elmer has been co-opted to also be a School Council member whilst in the Acting Assistant Principal role. They were thanked for their commitment to serving on the committee this year.
Junior School Council (JSC) report
The JSC 2023 staff organised a forum with the 2022 JSC members to thank the students for their authentic contributions last year. Their contributions made a difference to many aspects of school life including sharing ideas towards the plans for the school’s new play areas and raising money for flood affected families.
Currently students are engaged in elections for this year’s JSC. There will be two members per class represented on JSC. The staff members involved in these meetings are Amanda Elmer, Stefania Lipoma and Sophie Hedditch. .
Principal's Report
Jarrod welcomed new councillors. He shared the draft of the School Strategic Plan. The School Strategic Plan is the result of the school review and is the plan for the next four years. The School Strategic Plan includes an overview of the school culture including the school vision and values, context challenges for our school and the focus for the next four years. The two main goals are to ‘Maximize the learning growth of every student’ and to ‘Strengthen the engagement and wellbeing of all students’. Targets are then created to assist with the process of how these goals will be achieved over a four-year plan. Once the strategic plan is in place the Annual implementation Plan (AIP) will be developed. This is an action plan that sets goals and prioritises action taken to achieve the targets set. This is currently being developed in consultation with staff.
The school’s annual report is based on the school data gathered from learning data, financial data, student, staff and parent surveys. This report will be presented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 22nd of May 2023. All community members are invited to attend this meeting. More information will be forwarded about this meeting prior to the date.
Resources Committee
Financial reports for February were tabled and reviewed.
The movie night was a successful night. Stay tuned for the final total of funds raised from this event. Thanks to the fundraising committee and to the many volunteers who assisted to make this night a success.
An update was given on the Capital Works project, we are currently in the Design and Development stage. The building works aim to begin in Term 4. The school is hoping for an update communication for council and the community. Once plans are approved these will be shared with the school community.
Education Committee
The school reports, both mid and end of year along with ongoing reporting, are currently being reviewed now, feedback is being sought from staff and parents. The school community is encouraged to share their thoughts about the current reporting system in process. Education Committee is reviewing this now so chat to someone on this committee or a school councillor with your thoughts.
General Business
Jarrod shared the draft of the annual review report, including school performance data for 2022. This is available for the school community at the AGM.
School Council policies were read through and ratified including the School Council Code of Conduct, the Standing Orders policies and the School Council Induction Policy. All School Council members will be involved in School Council Governance Training on the 26th of April.
There are many sub committees involved in the school. All school community members are welcome to attend any of these sub committees. The committees are Education Committee, Resources Committee, Environment Committee and Community Engagement Committee. The Community Engagement Committee and Environment Committees are currently being reviewed to determine the terms of reference for these committees. More information will be shared about this when the terms of reference are in place. All school council members will be part of a sub-committee. If you are interested in coming along and contributing to one of these committees please look at the times and dates noted in the calendar in the newsletter. If you’d like to find out more about these committees please contact the office.
Remember the Annual General Meeting is the 22nd May 2023. All school community members are welcomed to attend this meeting.
Fiona Limoli
School Councillor