Enrolments 2025

Enrolments 2025
We are really pleased with amount of interest we have had in Foundation Enrolments for 2025. We have conducted a large number of school tours throughout Terms 1 and 2 and have already received a number of enrolment applications. It would seem that there are few, if any siblings commencing at St Joseph's next year. If there are any that we have overlooked, please submit the enrolment forms as soon as possible.
Looking ahead to 2026, we have already had a number of expressions of interest from new families. This is great news for our long term sustainability. We are aware that we have a number of siblings who we anticipate will be starting that year so we are very hopeful of a good sized Foundation class in 2026.
As you may be aware, we have been using social media, newspaper advertisements and kinder visits to promote our school. In term Three, we will be holding an Open School day to promote our school. We would encourage our parents to come along that day and invite any friends or family with school aged children.