News from Three/Four

Sticks and Stones Incursion
Last week the whole school were treated to a wonderful incursion about a boy named Toby who had to deal with issues such as bullying. The children were very engaged and loved the way in which these issues were dealt with. Students reflected on some of the strategies they can use to change their reactions to situations.
This term students have been learning about the sacraments. Students made these displays to collate information about the signs, symbols, words and meaning of each sacrament. Students will use these next term as they continue to learn more about the sacraments.
Thankyou to all the parents who came along to PSG meetings last week, or the parent teacher meetings last night. It was wonderful to be able to share all your children's achievements with you and talk about some future goals. If you were unable to attend, please reach out to arrange a time early next term for a catch-up.
We hope you have a wonderful holiday break with your children and look forward to working with you all again next term.
Lisa Bourke and Katie Vranken