Polding Athletics Carnival-Friday 13th September
Although this event is scheduled to occur in slightly more than three weeks, we extend our best wishes to Jessica, Josie, Archer, and Levi as they prepare to represent the Armidale Diocese in their individual competitions at the Polding Athletics Carnival on Friday, September 13th, in Glendale, Newcastle. Wishing them the best of luck!
No Taekwondo For Sport this Wednesday
Due to the numerous events scheduled for this upcoming Wednesday, there will be no Taekwondo classes held on that day. Taekwondo lessons will resume on Wednesday, September 4th.
Diocesan Football/Netball and Small Schools Gala Day
Like last year, St Patrick's will be entering teams in both football and netball as well as in small schools competition at the Sports Gala Day that is going to be held at Tamworth on Thursday 26th September. Hopefully when the playground and drainage works are completed, Years 3-6 students will begin practising their football and netball skills in designated physical education lessons as well as during recess and lunchtime. Our team squads will be announced shortly.
The school has already organised a bus for all students to travel to and from Tamworth and more information, including levy and permission will be sent home via the Compass soon.
Weekend Sports Update
The school is aware that several of our students are approaching the conclusion of their last game or carnival, or are about to commence the finals campaign in their respective sports. The school is eager to learn about the performances of our students! Should any student wish to submit a written match report regarding their game for publication in the sporting section of the newsletter, please inform Mr. Hyatt.
Term 3 Sporting Events
*Thursday 26th September: Diocesan Football and Netball Gala Day at Tamworth
St Patrick's Primary Sports Handbook
St Patrick's now has an official sports handbook and it has been updated after the school swimming carnival held recently. This book is designed to give all members associated with our school a clearer understanding of when our school conducts our various sporting carnivals, the processes/qualifying times involved for students who want to represent our school at Diocesan sporting events as well as an explanation of the representative sporting pathways your child may want to undertake in their respective sports.
Attached below is the revised version of this manual, which now contains the latest information on Jessica's and Josie's records at the athletics carnival.