Parents Association News 

Dayna Rixon

Parents’ Association News



On 8th November we held our Inaugural meeting to register members and elect a committee that will carry us through to Feb 2024 when we have our Annual General Meeting (AGM). This was part of the process we were following to set up our Parents’ Association according to Department of Education protocol. Thank you to Alanna, Narelle, Bree, Kym, Sarah, Kel, Lia, Corrie and Ashlea for your attendance and wonderful input on the night. We spent some time looking ahead to 2024 and drafted some ideas for community events and fundraising opportunities.


The following people will fill our office bearer roles until our AGM: Dayna Rixon (President), Corrie Quigley (Secretary), and Alanna Quigley (Treasurer).



A Compass post has gone out announcing that we are unable to complete this fundraiser due to circumstances outside our control. We will work on issuing refunds but please be patient with us. We have also had some families requesting to donate money to the Parents’ Association and/or the mango farmers in place of receiving a refund and we are working on options for this.


Carols night- Christmas Raffle and Bake Stall

On Tuesday 12th December we held our school Carols night. The Parents’ Association want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated prizes towards our raffle, and baked goods towards our Christmas Bake Stall. It was a hot night but we had a great turnout and raised money for our school!


An even bigger THANK YOU to our Parents’ Association members who went above and beyond before, during and after the event- Narelle, Bree, Kym, Corrie, Ashlea, Kellie, Kel, Amanda, Lia and Dayna. Your time, effort and creativity helped make this event a great success!

Thank you also to the teachers who didn’t hesitate to jump in and help serve on the night, we really appreciate your support and involvement!


Suggestions for 2024

We would love to hear any suggestions from our school families about how we might spend funds raised from events in 2024. We are lucky enough to have many new buildings and facilities thanks to our upgrade so we are interested in what we can fundraise for moving forward. 


In addition, if you would like some information about joining our Parents’ Association in 2024 please be in contact as we are really excited about engaging more families in our school.