Building Update 

Photo taken 21.11.23 'Heart of BPS'

You may have noticed diggers and excavators onsite once again. We are currently undertaking our late work package for Stage 3. This includes additional landscaping and the installation of additional steps and seating you can see taking place on the corner of Balmoral and Bendoran Crescent. 


Our oval is beginning to look green and healthy thanks to the rain, and the efforts of one of our school council members who is diligently ensuring the newly installed sprinkler system is in operation when the weather is dry.  Overall, our gardens are doing well except for a few plants which have not survived. Our gardeners will ensure this is mowed in January once it has had time to become established. Once the oval can be used, the site fencing will be removed, and our students will be able to enjoy the space. 


Other works which will be undertaken in the next couple of weeks, or early in 2024 include, installation of bins shelters to ensure rubbish remains in the bins, murals on the Learning Community walls, line marking on the oval path and surrounding areas, installation of additional shade sails over the STEM area playground, additional mulching and the installation of the electronic sign on Balmoral Avenue. 


In addition to this new works, the shade sail structure on Balmoral Avenue is currently being repaired and should be fully operational by the time we have students on site in January. The surface of the playground behind our Discovery Centre is still not replaced and I am currently still awaiting advise from the original installation company on how they will proceed to repair the surface. I hope this will also be repaired by January 2024.


Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support of our new areas in the school and a huge thank you to those of you who have given up your valuable time to water, weed, pick up rubbish, shovel mulch etc throughout the year. Our school community greatly appreciate your dedication to our school.


Have a wonderful holiday break everyone.


For those of you leaving us at the end of the year I wish you all the very best for 2024 and hope that if you have to opportunity, you can come back and visit.

I look forward to seeing everyone else in 2024.


Happy holidays from 

Ms. Dunn

Assistant Principal