Grade 2

Lauren Taglieri (2A)                       Support: Kim Mavrogiannis,  Noor Hussein, Nicole Morton

Ella Ryan (2B)                                              

The Year 2 students were so excited to finally attend our long-awaited Camp Activity Day, Dinner and Sleepover event! The Camp Activity Day consisted of mixed year level groups rotating through fun activities with the P-2 teachers. Activities ranged from outside games, crafts, playdoh making and gardening. It was lovely to see the P-2 students mingling and getting to know different students across the school. 


Students then returned to school at 5pm and the excitement was building as students began setting up their beds for the night. They enjoyed a delicious pizza dinner and watched a movie together before settling into bed. Despite some early risers, everyone woke up in a cheerful mood and enjoyed spending some time together before heading home around 9am. 


We are so impressed with the resilience and maturity of the Year 2 students, particularly those who had not stayed away from home before, and we know this experience will be a great stepping stone towards attending Year 3 camp next year! 



My favourite activities during the camp activity day were the team games, gardening and the scavenger hunt. My favourite thing at the sleepover was bringing my fart machine, the sleeping part when I stayed up to 11pm and the breakfast.



My favourite activity was planting with Miss T because I love planting and helping people. At the sleepover, Oliver brought a fart machine and we played pranks on the girls. In the morning, we had juice, toast and cereal for breakfast.



At the camp adventure day, my favourite part was the team games when we played fruit salad. At the sleepover, my favourite part was when we ate pizza and fruit while watching the movie. I had a great time. 



My mum and dad brought me to the school sleepover. I ate a veg pizza and some berries. I even watched Bluey, my favourite cartoon! 



I loved the scavenger hunt at the activity day, you needed to look for clues around the school. At the sleepover, we ate pizza and a zooperdooper, and when we went to bed it was 10pm! Vihaan said to me he stayed up all night besides five minutes, but the annoying part was around 1am when some other students started snoring loudly. The second annoying part was the outside lights were on for the whole night. In the morning we had toast for breakfast, but I had to go home early. 



My favourite activity at the camp day was doing the planting with Miss T and the directed drawing with Ms. Dean. My favourite part of the night was the movie, talking with my friends and going to sleep. 



One day we had a Year 2 Sleepover at BPS. At the sleepover, we first set up our beds. Next, we ate dinner while watching TV. For dinner we had pizza. We had so much fun.



On Friday to Saturday at BPS we had the grade two sleepover. When I arrived at five o’clock, I first set up my bed. After that I played. Then I had margarita pizza and an apple Pop-top! After we had some fruit. After dinner the grade one’s left and the grade two’s set up for the movie and DVD yoga. After that we watched Paddington 2. In the middle of the movie, we had a Zooper-dooper. We continued the movie until we had finished our Zooper-doopers then I packed up the cushions. Then I went to bed, no one could fall asleep. I slept for about five hours. In the morning I ate honey toast and orange juice. After breakfast we got our stuff and watched the rest of Paddington 2. Everyone went home while we were watching it.



What happened on the grade two sleepover…

First, we played for an hour with trains and Jenga. Soon we all ate pizza and had Pop-tops and while were having such a delicious meal, we were watching Bluey. After that the year ones went home and only the grade twos were there and we watched Paddington 2. We went to sleep, boys were in the grade two rooms and the girls were in the year one rooms. It was good fun!



On Friday 17th of November grade two had a sleepover at Bundoora Primary School. Mrs. Ryan’s and Mrs. T was there and my classmates my mum and dad dropped me off at 5:00pm. We ate pizza and fruit and we played games and watched movie on the screen I had fun. Finally at 9:00pm my mum and dad picked me up and went home and sleep straight away.



The Amazing Sleepover

It was on Friday 17th to Saturday 18th. We ate pizza for dinner and for dessert we had Zooperdoopers and with dinner we watched a movie called Paddington 2. Then we went to sleep me and my friend Taylor couldn’t sleep and when we woke up we had breakfast and for breakfast there was cereal and toast and juice. There were teachers. The teachers that were there were Miss Ryan, Miss T, Miss Lyall, Miss Allibon, Ms. Dunn, Ms. Strath, Ms. Dean, Mr. Cass, Miss Mitchelhill and Ms. Smith.
