
Amanda Willcocks (Prep A)              Support:  Susan Hull,

Chloe McKay (Prep B)                         Kim Mavrogiannis (Ms. Mav)                   

Sarah Lyall (Prep C)                           

What a busy term it has been in Term 4 for our preps! We have been on our excursion to the zoo, had a school disco and all enjoyed coming together for the Cancer Council Morning Tea! 


A general reminder that if you have not returned your child’s letter for graduation that was sent home in Term 3, to please ensure it is returned prior to the end of school year. This way we can keep them safe until your child graduates! 


On Friday, 10th of November the Preps ventured to Melbourne Zoo pre-empting our Talk4Writing unit on the text, Dear Zoo. Despite it being a very hot day, our Preps did an amazing job, and we all had a great day.





In Maths we have been reviewing addition facts to 10, and developing our students' number fluency. Our students have thoroughly enjoyed playing a variety of games to develop their confidence and fluency and we have been seeing some great results!