Prep 2024 Information

Parent Information Night - Prep 2024

It was wonderful to see so many parents at our information night. Prep packs and house t-shirts were supplied. If you were unable to attend the night your child's prep pack is available for collection from the office Monday - Friday  8.30 - 4pm until December 19th.


Prep 2024 transition has concluded.

Prep transition for 2024 preps has finished. The children were so settled and enjoyed their last session with their new teachers, Ms Dean and Ms Tsiaras. The preps first day for 2024 will be February 5th, but before that they will come to school for on hour on either January 30, February 1, February 2, or February 3 to complete some pre-school testing in English and Maths. This tells the students’ teachers what their starting point for learning is so that we can meet them their Zone of Proximal Development. 



Prep families 2024

We have had a great transition program this year and the Prep 2024 children have settled in extremely well over the 4 sessions. The families of those starting next year have also enjoyed time getting to know each other at our morning tea held on 8th November, and our informal information session held on 22nd November. 


We look forward to welcoming these new Bundoora Primary School students and their families into our school community next year!