News from Foundation

Book Week

This week was Book Week and we had so much fun! The kids loved wearing their costumes and reading lots of different books! This week for literacy we read some of the short-listed books and did some activities to go with those books as well!




For the past two weeks, we have been learning about 2D shapes! We have been exploring different shapes and learning how to describe them based on their appearance and attributes! We have been using the words 'sides' and 'corners' to classify and describe these 2D shapes. We also enjoyed getting out in the sunshine to use chalk and natural materials to make shapes!


In Inquiry, we have been looking at the theme of creativity! In the next two weeks, we will be making puppets and puppet theatres to perform familiar fairy tale stories! Last week we did a fun creativity-themed activity where the students were given a piece of paper that had some sort of line, squiggle or marking on it. The students then had to use their creative thinking caps to create something- and they did just that! Gosh, they are so creative!