
Kaori Bawden

Hello from the Japanese class! 

We have been learning about Obon festival in Grades 3 to 6 last two weeks. Obon is one of the most important Japanese festivals, after New Year’s Day. It takes place in August over three days. The festival is based on Buddhist beliefs that spirits briefly return to their family home at this time of year. It’s not a time to mourn, but to think about our ancestors and loved ones and celebrate their visit.


Many Japanese people celebrate Obon by attending summer festivals outdoors with music, dancing, and fireworks. Obon festivals feature a special dance called Bon Odori which people can watch or join in with. Each region has its own version of the dance. Bon odori were originally performed for the deceased but have recently became a symbol of summer festivals themselves. 


To attend festivals, lots of people enjoy dressing up in summer kimono called yukata. Just like normal kimono, yukata come in many different designs and can be worn by anyone, but are more casual. Yukata are normally worn with a type of sandal called geta. You might also see people carrying fans to keep cool. Students designed their own Yukara and they also learned what kind of food you can have at the festivals. 


Coming up next, Grades 1 and 2 are making their suitcase to get ready to go to Japan virtually! I will snap shots of their amazing suitcases in the next newsletter!  


Spring is around the corner everyone, have a lovely weekend.


Bawden Sensei
