
Laura Ritchie - Languages Domain Leader

I would like to highlight just some of the activities that Languages students have been working on in Term 4. 


The Year 9 French classes were tasked with creating children's short stories in French. It is wonderful to see the creativity that has gone into the task. A few of the students even took on the extra challenge of making their stories rhyme in French. 

Year 8 French students had the opportunity to create their own board games in French! They then enjoyed practicing their French while playing the board games they had created. 

Year 7 Chinese students researched Chinese celebrities and created posters to showcase their creativity and language skills from this year, and during Headstart students began learning about stationery, practicing proper Hanzi (Chinese character) writing strokes. They also explored Chinese calligraphy using brushes and magic paper.


During Headstart Year 9 Chinese students completed autobiographies in Chinese, putting in fantastic effort to include their learning from the past two years.


Finally, a reminder for any student studying Chinese through VSL, we now have a Thursday VSL Support Session that running from 3:00 to 3:50 PM in the Holloway Library. Students are encouraged to attend for the opportunity to take part in general conversation practice or get extra help from Jenni Fu.