School Council

School Council membership 2024
Parent members
- Daniel Bevz
- Rick Bottiiglieri
- Ben Gibson
- Fiona Limoli
- Tom Rundle
- Brian Stanley
- Robert Thorp
- Laura Tripp
Employee members
- Elisha Katsonis
- Jarrod Sutton
School Council Secretary
- Sandra Monaghan
Office Bearers
School Council President
Brian Stanley
School Council Vice President
Robert Thorp
School Council Treasurer
Tom Rundle
School Council Meeting Report 24th June 2024
School Council met on 24th June 2024. The meeting included a review of reports from various committees, a summary of discussions is provided below:
Junior School Council (JSC)
Two of our Junior School Council representatives, Leo and Jade, shared news of the important things they have been working on:
- Winter Solstice - Pyjama Day: This was a great success! Funds raised on the day will be donated to the charity 300 Blankets, supporting individuals facing homelessness in Victoria.
- School Values: The JSC has dedicated time to reflect on and prioritise our school values.
- Semester 2: The JSC has been actively brainstorming several key focuses, including:
- Lunchtime Clubs (MPW Jam, Coding Club)
- Student Workshops (older students reading with younger students)
- Whole School Events/ Fundraisers (possible Olympics Day)
Principal Report
Jarrod's report covered several key updates:
- General Staffing Updates.
- 2025 Enrolments: Tours have been running regularly throughout the year. Prospective families can enrol until the end of July. Out-of-zone applications will be considered after this date, if space allows.
- 3/4 Camp: Students safely departed for Camp Cave Hill Creek for 2 nights, with over 90% participation.
- Grade 2 Sleepover: Planned for Term 3, date TBD.
- F/1 Activity Night: Scheduled for Term 4, date TBD.
- Three Way Conferences: Expected to take place in Week 3 of Term 3. This will be an opportunity for students to discuss their learning achievements with parents and teachers.
- Curriculum Day: Set for July 15th, focusing on reflecting and revitalising reading practices.
Resources Committee
The School Council heard the outcomes from the recent Resources Committee:
- Endorsement of Finance Reports for May 2024.
- Fundraising: MPW Trivia Night to be held on the 3rd of August.
- Capital Works Update:
- The Capital Works project is still on track for end of year completion.
- The Hall Building is expected to have handover in the middle of July. F/1 and Year 2 students will be relocated back to the Hall Building following handover.
- The portables will be removed following the relocation and works on the infant playground/courtyard will commence.
- The Bike Shed will still be accessible during the courtyard works in the Little Adventure precinct.
- Furniture for the Hall Building has been ordered with a plan to upgrade Classroom Libraries furniture across the whole school.
- The new fencing works will commence on 12th of June.
Community Engagement and Partnerships Committee
Some reflections from the recent meeting were shared:
- Communication: Currently parent reps are using WhatsApp and email to communicate important information to families. Parent reps regularly check in with classroom teachers to assist with any communication needs.
- Trivia Night Support: Look out for Trivia Night updates from Parent Reps. Parent Reps will be assisting with donation requests for hampers. Any contributions would be much appreciated.
- Father’s Day Stall: This is an opportunity for students to purchase a gift for a significant person in their life. Set to be held on Thursday 29th August.
- General Discussion:
- Future information sessions i.e. Susan McLean.
- The Hall space will be returning. The Hall Program will run differently to how it has in the past.
- Jarrod currently working with Cindy to explore the possibility of future Japan Tour.
- Naplan results should be received early July.
- Parent Opinion Survey coming up Term 3.
- Jarrod will be seeking feedback on the reporting process next term.
- Jarrod will seek clarification regarding expectations with use of online platforms such as Matific and Sunshine Online.
- School website updates. What information would families like included?
Education Committee
The committee presented on the discussions arising from the recent meeting:
- School Values: As part of MPWPS Annual Implementation Plan, the Wellbeing Team is working on updating our school values. A survey has been sent out to the community asking families to rank values. A follow up survey will look at defining top values.
- Policies: The committee will be working on updating various policies throughout the year as prioritised on the Consolidated Policy listing.
- Behaviour Management: To ensure consistency in managing behaviours across the school, the Wellbeing Team has created a Behaviour Management Flowchart. Once finalised, the flowchart will be shared with the community.
After the meeting, the members of the School Council participated in ChildSafe training. This is a process that School Council members complete each year to ensure the safety of our students. ChildSafe helps organisations prevent harm and abuse to children and young people by guiding them through compliance requirements.
Laura Tripp,
School Councillor
School Council and Sub Committee meetings
No meetings
Monday 26th August
School Council meeting 6:30pm
No meetings
Monday 7th October
Education meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 15th October
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 28th October
School Council meeting 6:30pm
Monday 11th November
Education meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 12th November
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 25th November
School Council meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 10th December
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 16th December
School Council 6:00pm