Student Engagement & Wellbeing News

MPWPS Behaviour flowchart
This year at MPWPS, we have been working to develop clear processes to support student behaviour in the classroom. All students have a right to learn and feel safe at school. This means that if a student is making it difficult for a teacher to teach or students to learn, teachers have a known process to follow and consistent strategies to implement.
Our behaviour flowchart is shared with the students and displayed in all classrooms. By communicating this with our families, we hope to develop consistent understandings around how we, as a school, work with students to promote positive behaviour and implement consistent management strategies.
Restorative practices
Restorative Practices refers to the way the school works in promoting genuine relationships which result in better behaviour and learning at school. It also refers to the way in which young people are asked to think about, and take responsibility for, their behaviour and its effects on others.
Restorative practice is a strategy that seeks to repair relationships that have been damaged. It does this by bringing about a sense of remorse and restorative action on the part of the offender and forgiveness by the victim.
Conversations about behaviour provide opportunities for students to consider how their behaviour impacts on others and how things can be put right. Students are supported to accept responsibility for their actions.
Elisha Katsonis, Assistant Principal & Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader.