Grade 2

2A Ms. Rhiannon Evans (four days) and Ms. Rebecca Bruce (one day)

2B Ms. Jacqui Mitchelhill

Education Support: Noor Hussein, Sean Collins 

Grade 2 Excursion to Sea Life Aquarium


Our Grade 2 students recently embarked on an exciting adventure to the Sea Life Aquarium, perfectly complementing our Discovery Unit "Water Worlds." This unit focuses on investigating water and the animals that live in it, and the aquarium provided an immersive experience for our young explorers.

During the two-hour guided tour, students had the opportunity to learn about a variety of marine animals and their habitats. They eagerly asked questions, enhancing their understanding of the underwater world. After the guided tour, students showcased their teamwork skills by deciding in small groups which areas of the aquarium they wanted to revisit. This hands-on experience not only enriched their knowledge but also fostered collaboration and decision-making among our students.

It was a day filled with wonder, learning, and camaraderie, making the Sea Life Aquarium excursion a memorable highlight of our term!

Quotes from our Grade 2’s:


Jeremy P - “I liked seeing when the penguins were fed and when one of them pooped. I also liked seeing the penguins that were swimming. I learnt that female stingrays are larger than the males”


Ben - “I learnt that girl sharks have one extra fin than boy sharks. I liked seeing the cod because I didn’t know that cod lived in the ocean.”


Vallie - “I learnt that some jellyfish could grow to the size of a washing machine. My favourite part was Night of the Reef because there were a whole lot of tunnels we got to go in and we called the stingrays names, there was Sting, Ray, Lee and Funky.”


Beau - “My favourite thing at the aquarium were the crocodiles because they looked cool, and we could see them below us through the glass floor we were standing on!”


Ryan - “My favourite parts were the sharks, crocodiles and turtles because they were all really cool.”