Performing Arts 

Ms. Nerida Newell       



"When I Grow Up" is the grade 5/6 Musical (this was offered to all 5/6 students and all who auditioned received a role). Rehearsals are well under way and our Friday after school rehearsals are very productive. The choir are also involved as the Chorus, and they rehearse Tuesday lunchtimes. Students who have speaking parts are reminded that there are 2 rehearsals at school on the first 2 days of school holidays: Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd July 10am-1pm.




Grade 3-6 students have been writing their own rhythms and working out how to then write their rhythms on the musical staff. To do this they needed to know the note values and where to put them on the lines and spaces. They were so brilliant! I'm proud of them all!



                                             Grade 5/6 Students Playing the Ukelele!