Student of the Week Awards

Presented 18/8/23

Ali R. - 00M

This award is presented to Ali for trying so hard to be a Foundation Super STAR!  Ali has now settled into the expectations of our school and classroom which has made me very proud. He listens to task instructions and is eager to install our Scoresby HEART values into his everyday routine. Keep up all the great work you are doing Ali and never give up with making yourself the best person you can be.

Frank W. - 1/2B

This award goes to Frank for his fantastic effort in his writing. Frank has worked hard to plan, draft, edit and revise his fairy tale over the last few weeks. Your fairy tale clearly shows your hard work and dedication, and is very creative and interesting to read. Well done Frank!

Taoipu A. - 1/2C

This award goes to Taoipu for applying himself to all areas of learning and pushing himself to be the best that he can be! Taoipu regularly identifies things he would like to improve on and works hard to achieve these goals. Well done Taoipu! Keep it up.

Aston L. - 1/2R

Congratulations Aston for working hard in literacy. You have shown persistence when completing challenging work and is always willing to share your ideas/knowledge with fellow peers. Keep up the wonderful work!

Arianna L.  - 3/4B

Arianna has been using her Writer’s Notebook to share her thoughts and ideas. Some of these seeds have sprouted and grown into writing pieces and Arianna was able to complete an interesting recount about our excursion to Scienceworks. We love seeing your efforts pay off Arianna!

Bodhi H. - 3/4K

This award goes to Bodhi for his amazing efforts in PONT maths this week. Bodhi worked independently to solve a division task, sharing a collection of lollies evenly between lolly bags. Bodhi then challenged himself to reach the next step in his learning by sharing amounts which have a remainder. Despite finding it tricky at first Bodhi persisted until he understood the process. Well done Bodhi!

Sam B. - 5/6D

Sam is to be congratulated as he put 100% effort into all classroom tasks this week. Sam presented his information report on Italy to the class and included many text features and fun facts. It definitely made me want to hop on a plane and head straight there! Well done Sam. Keep working hard!

Torres L. - 5/6W

This award goes to Torres for his outstanding ability demonstrated in PONT this week when investigating the connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages to create his own ‘Dominoes’ game with a partner. He challenged himself by incorporating improper fractions and mixed numbers. Wonderful effort Torres!

Ellarae W. - Performing Arts

Congratulations Ellarae. You are an excellent Performing Arts student who plays and dances with expression and technique. Well done and keep up the great teamwork. 

Medina N. - Mandarin

This award goes to Medina for always showing an excellent learning attitude to all learning tasks in Mandarin Class. Keep up your enthusiasm and perseverance in Mandarin learning! Well done and congratulations!

Sosefina A. - Physical Education

Thankyou Sosefina, for always being kind, showing leadership and being a respectful and supportive peer to your teammates in PE. Well done Sose!