Dates For Your Diary


Friday 25th

- Book Week Dress-Up Day (whole school) 

- Whole-school Assembly at 9.00am, including a parade of Book Week characters (all welcome)


Monday 28th

- Maths@Home with Foundation, 3.00-3.30pm on stage/undercover space (all welcome)


Wednesday 30th

- Special Father's Day Breakfast Club, 8.15am (all welcome)

- 5/6 Summer Sports Round Robin Day 1 (all Year 5/6 students)

- PFA meeting, 7.30pm online (all welcome)


Thursday 31st

- SRC PJ Flicks afternoon, 12.30-3.30pm (all students)

- Parent-Teacher Interviews, 1.00-5.00pm (bookings required)



Friday 1st

- PFA Father's Day Stall


Monday 4th

- Year 5/6 Hoop Time Basketball Competition (selected Year 5/6 students)


Wednesday 6th

- 5/6 Summer Sports Round Robin Day 2 (all Year 5/6 students)


Thursday 7th

- State Schools Spectacular rehearsal day 1 (selected Year 3-6 students)

- School Council meeting, 7.00pm


Friday 8th

- State Schools Spectacular rehearsal day 2 (selected Year 3-6 students)


Monday 11th

- St John's First Aid in Schools (whole school)


Wednesday 13th

- Special Footy Day Breakfast Club, 8.15am (all welcome)

- Knox Division Athletics (qualified Year 3-6 students)


Friday 15th

- Term 3 concludes, 2.30pm



Monday 2nd

- Term 4 commences, 9.00am (whole school)


Thursday 5th

- "Space Dome" Science incursion (whole school)


Friday 6th

- "Space Dome" Science incursion (whole school)


Friday 13th

- 2024 Prep Transition session 1, 2.30-3.30pm


Saturday 14th

- PFA "Bogan Bingo", SPS Hall 7.00pm, pre-book tickets via TryBooking