From the Year Prep Classroom

During Literacy, the Prep’s have delved into the world of poetry, learning about various poetic features and having a go at writing their own acrostic poems. They’ve also been expanding their vocabulary with onomatopoeia and ‘Tier 2’ words! As always we continue to focus on phonemic awareness, decoding, and blending words through hands on learning. 

In Maths, the children have been using positional language to describe locations and follow simple instructions, such as under, over, next to and beside. We have also started identifying and describing 2D shapes and their features, this is something you can to with them at home, by asking simple questions such as ‘What shape is this? Can you tell me how many sides it has?’ or 'Can you find something in the room that is a circle? you can support the kids with this learning! 

Our Inquiry unit, ‘Then and Now’ has sparked lots of discussion about changes over time. Students have compared past and present household items, games and technology! The kids have loved learning how things have evolved from when their grandparents were young! Thank you to Mrs Boyer who has set up a wonderful space of ‘old’ things for us to marvel over. 

In Religion, we have begun to learn about our new topic ‘Called to live like Jesus’. The Preps have been learning about the importance of kindness and respect as well as exploring ways to show love and care for others! We had a beautiful visit to the Church last Friday where we attended Community Mass with Father Jun Jun. A big thank you Mrs McInness for coming in to play games and share everything you know about Jesus and God with us! 

Another HUGE thank you to our wonderful Grandparents who could attend our Grandparents Day Liturgy and popped into school to see how fantastic we are at our learning – it was a very special afternoon! 

The excitement is building as we approach our 100 days of learning! Don’t forget that we will be celebrating on THURSDAY 8TH AUGUST, we encourage all the kids to dress up as 100 year old grannies! Of course, if they don’t want to, they don’t have to, but it is a lot of fun! (This is one of the teacher’s favourite days – we hope you can all recognise us). As this is specialist day, students can bring their runners in their bags and will leave any special props such as canes, glasses and wigs in their classrooms. 

We are so proud of how settled the Preps have been after the holidays, we look forward to a busy term ahead with many more exciting learning adventures!