Important Dates

 Pupil Free Days
Term 3Monday 26th August
Term 4Monday 4th November
Term 4 Tuesday 5th November (Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday)
Term 4Friday 20th December
Term 1 2025Wednesday 29th January
Term 3 
Friday 2nd AugustRegional Winter Sports- Benalla
Friday 2nd August2025 Prep Enrolments CLOSE including Existing families
Thursday 8th AugustPreps will Celebrate 100 Days of Learning
Thursday 15th AugustFeast of the Assumption Years 4-6
Friday 23rd AugustBook Week Parade
Thursday 12th SeptemberFamily Breakfast
Friday 13th SeptemberAthletics Carnival
Term Dates 
Term 315th July - 20th September
Term 47th October - 20th December
2025 Term 128th January - 4th April