Middle School

Mrs Karina Dunne, Head of Middle School

Year 9 Rite Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony 

The Rite of Passage ceremony marks a significant transition in one’s life, often from adolescence to adulthood. The calling stage involves recognising the need for change or growth, while the departure stage symbolises leaving the old behind and moving forward into the unknown. Ceremonies around the world vary across cultures and traditions but typically involve rituals, symbolic acts, and communal support to guide individuals through their journey. 


This symbolic evening on Wednesday, 6 March was celebrated together with parents, students and the Rite Journey Leaders starting in the OCA Pavilion and then moving onto Hill Oval for the exchanging of letters. Students and their significant person/s found a space out on the oval and exchanged gratitude letters. Reflective time was given for students to complete childhood mindsets and behaviours they wish to get rid of and adult mindsets and behaviours that they wish to embrace moving forward. Some of these adult behaviours were guided by their significant person/s through discussions. Families then moved into Kelty Court for the fire ceremony. Here students were called forward by their Rite Journey Leader and asked to throw their old habits behind into the fire and return a cutout hand with their adult mindsets and behaviours they wish to encapsulate in their journey to adulthood.   


The opening prayer provided substance for this significant evening: 

Dear Lord, 

We pray for our Year 9 students as they journey into adulthood. 

Help them to reflect your love by being patient, warm, caring and kind, 

Not jealous, or envious, arrogant or proud. 

Help them to reflect your love by being good young men 

Not inappropriate or rude, selfish or angry. 

Help them to reflect your love by being 

Someone who does not watch in or join in with wrong or hurt 

But rather, rejoices with the truth, 

Bears and protects all things, 

Hopes and trusts all things, 

Ensures and preserves all things, 

For love never fails. 



Our conclusion to the night involved the following words that were embraced by all present: 

“Parents and carers, it’s time for you and us teachers to let go and have more faith in these young people to be able to rise to the challenge of greater responsibility and self-discipline.” 

I wish the year 9 cohort a successful year and send out hope that each one will take on the challenges, responsibilities, and self-discipline with all the opportunities provided to guide them through this journey from childhood to adulthood. 

I sincerely thank all the participants in the evening. Your dedication and support allowed this evening to be successful. I am looking forward to seeing all the great things that Year 9s do to mark their place in this world. 

Year 10 Elevate Education session 

An Elevate Education study skills session has been organised for students on Monday, 25 March, during Lesson 3. Students will be actively participating in the ‘Study Sensei’ seminar, which covers alternative ways to study effectively, utilising structured notes and being able to review organised notes for satisfactory assessment results.  For further information, please see the following link:  Senior | Elevate Education