Quick bites

Keeping you informed

Coffee and Conversations

The first of our ‘Coffee and Conversations’ sessions will be held in the Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday, 19 March from 9am-10am. This is an opportunity for current and prospective parents to join us for a cuppa and hear about different programs, events and opportunities available at St Patrick’s College. 

Acting Deputy Principal Ms Carol Roberts will speak at the first session, outlining the teaching and learning strategies the College has developed and implemented in the classrooms. To register your attendance, please RSVP by Friday, 15 March via this TryBooking link. We look forward to seeing you there!

Easter Egg Appeal

KRC Librarian Claire Garrett is ready to accept your generous Easter egg donations!
KRC Librarian Claire Garrett is ready to accept your generous Easter egg donations!

Faith in Action students are currently accepting donations for our annual Easter Egg Appeal. Easter eggs can be handed in during Pastoral Care or taken to the KRC. Your generous donations will be delivered to patients in the children's ward at Ballarat Health Services Base Hospital in time for Easter.

Project Compassion

As we enter the fourth week of Lent, we shine the spotlight on Malawi woman Memory, who was able to complete a carpentry course with the support of Caritas Australia.

Memory is the first female carpenter in her village. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia
Memory is the first female carpenter in her village. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Memory's story

Memory is 26-years-old and lives in rural Malawi. As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory had to take on many household chores and farming activities to support her parents. They struggled to pay for Memory’s school fees and school supplies, and Memory often had to walk to school barefooted. 

With the support of Caritas Australia and its partner the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Memory was able to enrol at a technical college where she learnt technical skills in carpentry. She undertook a three-year carpentry course, with CADECOM supporting part of her tuition and boarding fees. 

Memory became the first female carpenter from her village. Today, she works as a carpenter at one of Malawi’s largest hydroelectric power stations. With the income from her job, she can provide financial support to her family and inspire other young women in her community so that they may have the opportunity to succeed in a male-dominated industry. Watch Memory’s Story

How you can help

Please donate to Project Compassion.Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow, for all future generations

You can donate through Project Compassion donation boxes, online by visiting St Patrick's College - Ballarat - Caritas | Project Compassion Schools or by calling 1800 024 413. You can also scan the below QR code.



Well done to our Year 7 and 9 students for their efforts in completing the first two NAPLAN assessments. Next week will see Year 7 and 9 students undertake the final two assessments for 2024. 


Dates & Times

The remaining tests will run on the following days and times: 






Mon 18th MarchConventions of Language45 minsSession 1Session 3
Tues 19th MarchNumeracy65 minsSession 1 & 2Session 3 & 4


In 2024, students will be conducting NAPLAN in two large groups; the Pavilion and Bernard Heinz Theatre (BHT). As we cannot fit an entire year level in one location, the year levels will be split as such:

Bernard Heinz Theatre7A, 7E, 7I9A, 9B, 9C
Pavilion7B, 7C, 7D, 7F, 7G, 7H9D, 9E, 9F, 9G, 9H, 9I, 9J

If a student is absent for any of the tests, there are three catch-up sessions organised for later in the week.



On each of the testing days, students MUST have

  • Their laptop (fully charged) 
  • A set of headphones (except for the Reading test). 

Pen and paper will be provided in each test for any working out/drafting etc that students may like to do. 


NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process, and do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance.


Students are not expected to study for NAPLAN. Parents can support their child by reassuring them that NAPLAN is a part of their school program, and reminding them to simply do their best. It is important also for students to be aware that NAPLAN testing is primarily used to inform teachers in their own practice. Teachers will provide an opportunity in class to experience the online platform and become familiar with the types of questions on the test, but there is no requirement for formal practice. 


Further information has been sent to parents of Year 7 and 9 students, but if you have any questions regarding NAPLAN, please feel free to reach out to the SPC NAPLAN Coordinator, Luke Corden, for more information.

Canteen volunteers needed

Do you have some free time and a willingness to help in the College Canteen? If so, we would love to hear from you!


Prior to Covid-19, we had a long list of Canteen volunteers, but unfortunately this number has dropped off significantly in recent years. 


Canteen duties include serving students, basic food preparation, handling a small amount of cash and using an EFTPOS machine. We provide support and guidance in all areas.


Volunteers require a current Working with Children Check, and need to complete a brief induction, which we assist you with once you have registered your interest.


The Canteen cannot operate without the support of volunteers and we thank you for considering joining our wonderful community.


Click here to register your interest in becoming a Canteen volunteer


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call our Canteen Manager Jo on 0447 194 218 or 5322 4481. Please note, if you are already on the Canteen volunteer list, you do not need to re-register.

Road safety reminder

Please be reminded that reduced speed limits are now in force around the College to keep students safe. 

Motorists are encouraged to watch out and slow down for students crossing the road and walking around school buses.

Drivers are also reminded that City of Ballarat parking officers regularly patrol the streets around the College, and to obey all parking signs. The grass between the service road and Sturt St, at the front of the College, is not a legal parking area and is a known hotspot for parking tickets!   

Term Dates 2024

Term 1                                                                        

Classes Conclude: Thursday, 28 March


Term 2

All Students Commence:  Tuesday, 16 April

Classes Conclude: Friday, 28 June

Public Holidays: Thursday, 25 April (ANZAC Day), Monday 10 June (King’s Birthday)


Term 3           

All Students Commence: Monday, 15 July

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 19 August          

Classes Conclude: Friday, 13 September

VCE Practice Exams Monday, 16 September – Friday, 20 September


Term 4 

All Students Commence: Monday, 7 October

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 4 November and Tuesday, 5 November (Melbourne Cup)

Classes Conclude: Tuesday, 10 December