
Crest Nihongo Corner

Ms Rachael Leighton, Head of Languages

Did you know that there are three alphabets in Japanese? Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.


Hiragana is a basic alphabet that our Year 7 students learn. It is the alphabet that words originating in Japan are written in. For example, からて(karate), すもう(sumo), and すし(sushi). 


Katakana is an alphabet that is used for words of foreign origin. This is introduced in Year 8. It is for words such as バララット(Ballarat), ハンバーガー(hamburger) andオーストラリア(Australia).


Kanji was introduced from China to Japan in around the year 800. Each symbol has a meaning. You can often see them on candles and wall hangings. For example, 愛(love), 家族(family) and 平和 (peace). Year 12s are expected to know around 200 kanji for their final exam. Learn some along with your sons!

Shibuya High School visit 

Twenty-nine Year 9 students from Shibuya High School, Tokyo, are currently residing with families across St Patrick’s College as part of a cultural exchange program that we have been involved in for the last 15 years. 


The Japanese students arrived on Tuesday, 12 March and they depart on Sunday, 24 March. The visit provides a wonderful opportunity for the Shibuya students to learn about our culture and develop friendships that potentially can be lifelong. The homestay experience not only improves their oral and English skills, it provides a holistic experience that exposes our Shibuya student’s to life outside Japan.


Thank you most sincerely to the 29 St Patrick’s College host families who have kindly welcomed the Japanese students into their homes and continue to provide life enriching experiences for them. Without their support, programs such as these could never be offered.

— Howard Clark